Anonymous ID: 370625 Sept. 26, 2020, 5:09 a.m. No.10796189   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah, that'd be Hussein's version. I remember summertimes asa kid fighting with my cousin over who'd get the bathroom first to pee after spending the day outside, drinking cold spring water and lemonade. We'd end up both peeing and "crossing our streams" (lol…Ghostbusters) which we called a "sword fight"….

Anonymous ID: 370625 Sept. 26, 2020, 5:13 a.m. No.10796213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6215


>Emails Show Rod Rosenstein’s Fingerprints Were All Over Secret DOJ Memo Against Charging Trump with Obstruction


Anons remember the Rally last night with the annoying guy who kept holding up the Book "The Memo" dead center in the camera shot? Comms?

Anonymous ID: 370625 Sept. 26, 2020, 5:40 a.m. No.10796318   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Elite always controlled a body of knowledge or science which they kept secret from the masses. They would fool the masses with tales of "magik" and/or superstitions. The Wizard in the WOZ is a good literary allegory. "Merlin" is another example. The leaders of tribes and lands were always in awe of this science/magic which a smart commoner would use to his/her advantage to gain a top spot next to the king or ruler. Now how that particular commoner gained that knowledge/ability in the first place, is the real question. Look at Nikola Tesla, or Cayce (without the conspiracy mumbo jumbo as the man was a true psi marvel).


I think that the Bible has plenty of events which could be explained by "lucid dreaming" and "astral projection". Like "remote viewing", I believe that all of these "psi phenomena" are quantum-based and involve the power of the human consciousness to effect changes in the material world and gain knowledge from another "locale".