Anonymous ID: 72e1a5 Sept. 26, 2020, 5:01 a.m. No.10796142   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6170 >>6180 >>6190 >>6236 >>6248 >>6265 >>6266 >>6290 >>6306 >>6498

Update on missing son:


I apologize if one of the two updates I tried to post didn't make it to the board yesterday morning. Weather gave us very sketchy service.


After 9 hrs, our son was found. A Search and Rescue agency was coming from 3 hours away after he was missing for 7 hrs. Atv's were running out of gas, flashlights were waning and local and state police and 3 different counties fire rescue (and so many concerned citizens came from scanners and word of mouth) and 2 canine units with blood hounds out on 200 acres of property were exhausted.. Professionals needed a break from the downpour of rain. The thought of them leaving petrified me. But we had the search and rescue team about an hour out and our local police said they would want to start there search solo anyways.

Lights, atv's and people crawling everywhere not to mention the rain gave for a very loud and confusing atmosphere and no doubt causedmajor sensory overload for our boy if he was close enough. Once everyone pulled out, the property became lower-key. Within minutes, I realized the rain was subsiding. I was very thankful, as son was wearing t-shirt and shorts with no shoes and it was very cool, but not dangerously cold, thank GOD!

One of our daughters one who happens to be very acquainted and quite in tune with God and His creation, in the stillness of the dark, crept out through the woods from the back of the house, maybe a football field away or less, and began "to look in places where small animals would bed down". I have no doubt the Holy Spirit led her this direction. Both dogs picked up his scent in this same area but lost it somewhere back there. She was very quiet and stood very quiet and stood still and waited every couple seconds. She thought she heard a cute little sound he makes in his throat, and followed that direction, but it stopped. We were exhausted. She said at one point back there, she suddenly had a surreal feeling as if she had been dreaming the entire ordeal and the noise the son made was in her dream. But then he did it again. She followed the sound and she found her brother in a deep diveted out area with golden rod and other weeds much taller than he was. He was sitting on his legs crumpled underneath him and he could stand or walk. My boy is as tall as his sister and weighs almost as much but she got in front of him and hoisted him up on her back and carried my boy home! I honestly thought he might not be coming home. The lies our biggest enemy whispered to me for hours was horrendous and a battle in and of itself.

We had some on here saying I was a larp because if son was missing I'd never be on boards talking about it. They're either inexperienced anons (and thank God for that!) Or a larp themselves. At some point, you have to let the ones who know what they're doing, do their job and stop running around like a crazy person who can't think straight. Gathering prayer support through text and social platforms and crying out to God for my boy became my job.


Anons, you're truly fam. Plain and simple. Your prayers rising up to God's ears brought him home. I am thankful to you and our family TRULY loves everyone of you. Those here on the property were ALL amazing. We are a well maintained machine.


Have Faith in Mankind.

Anonymous ID: 72e1a5 Sept. 26, 2020, 5:47 a.m. No.10796348   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6353


well intelligent one, he WAS missing for 3 hrs WHEN HE WAS MISSING FOR 3 HRS!


And that's all I'm referencing about your post BECAUSE I didn't finishing reading it.


Let me give you some inside info, when people are I n desperate situations, their brain shorts out and you might not get the facts straight. Time stands still. When he was found, I had no idea we had been waiting for him to be found for 9 hrs.


Glad others heard a parents cry for prayers and prayed. Even though you didn't, I have faith in humanity.

Anonymous ID: 72e1a5 Sept. 26, 2020, 5:58 a.m. No.10796392   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6400



Well you just gave your yourself away. Lol


Stupid games win stuoid prizes.




No more bandwidth for you. You obviously miss out on love during your earlier years. Don't waste your time on another comment. Ill not look at it. Bye.