Anonymous ID: a65b41 Sept. 26, 2020, 5:52 a.m. No.10796368   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons, the last Flynn Op-Ed was his call to all of us to step the fuck up, and take our nation back! We can't rely on everybody else to do it for us, get involved, hold local politicians accountable, VOTE, dig.

Get the fire inside of you going, stop being angry and turn it into political action.

SPEAK UP at town halls.

SEEK candidates that are for the people, and meme them into mainstream.

VOLUNTEER at poll stations.

SHINE LIGHT into the darkness.


You're not alone, network at rallies, network at churches, do something.


Flynn is reminding us we have too much at stake, and all you have to do is come together.