Anonymous ID: 4c372f Sept. 26, 2020, 7:08 a.m. No.10796882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7033 >>7138 >>7244

Archbishop Viganò Issues Warning to Catholics at Annual Breakfast: President Trump Is Preparing to Fight Against Demonic Forces of Deep State and New World Order

Published September 25, 2020 at 10:21pm


Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former apostolic nuncio to the United States, wrote a letter this year for the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, which was held on wednesday.


The organizers chose not to read this letter during the breakfast.


Archbishop Vigano warned Catholics on the historic spiritual importance of this 2020 election on the future of this country and this planet.


President Trump is standing up against the demonic forces of the deep state and the New World Order.


This is a biblical challenge in November of the “Children of Light against the Children of Darkness.”


President Trump is the greatest defender of the Supreme Values of the Christian civilization: of life, from conception to natural death; of the natural family composed of one man and one woman and children; and of love for the homeland: One Nation under God!


Full note from Vigano

September 23, 2020 (LifeSiteNews)

With deep emotion I have learned that President Donald J. Trump will be taking part in the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on 23 September.


On this occasion, Attorney General William Barr will receive the NCPB’s Christifideles Laici Award (Christ’s Faithful Laity), named after the Apostolic Exhortation On the Laity by Pope John Paul II.


I would like to make myself present on this memorable occasion, in which I participated with great enthusiasm as Apostolic Nuncio during the years of my mission in Washington, D.C. (2011-2016).


I therefore join all the participants in this extraordinary celebration and all American Catholics, who see in President Donald Trump the greatest defender of the supreme values of Christian civilization: of life, from conception to natural death; of the natural family composed of one man and one woman and children; and of love for the homeland: One Nation under God! And, most importantly, he stands for defending the right to freely practice our Faith, thus allowing us more fully to honor God.


The presidential elections in November represent an epochal challenge, a biblical challenge, the outcome of which will be decisive not only for the United States of America but for the whole world.


It is necessary that all of you Catholics of America are well aware of the role that Providence has deigned to entrust to your President, and that you are aware of the extraordinary battle that He is preparing to fight against the demonic forces of the deep state and against the New World Order. I am at your side with fervent prayer, together with millions of Catholics and with all people of good will throughout the world.


Our trust rests in God, the Almighty, whose right hand always works wonders.


  • Carlo Maria Viganò,

Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana

Former Apostolic Nuncio of Washington, D.C. (2011-2016)

Anonymous ID: 4c372f Sept. 26, 2020, 7:24 a.m. No.10797043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7138 >>7165 >>7244

Sarah Palin Threatens Possible Primary Challenge to Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski


On Thursday, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin threatened to challenge current GOP Senator Lisa Murkowski in a primary when Murkowski is up for reelection in 2022.


Following the passing last week of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Murkowski stated that she will not support Ginsburg’s replacement, stating that it is too close to the election for President Trump to make a nomination.


Palin posted a video to her Instagram account on Thursday addressed to Murkowski. In it, Palin is standing in front of her home in Alaska and says that she can “see 2022” from her house, a reference to when Murkowski is next up for reelection.


“Lisa Murkowski, this is my house,” Palin begins. “I’m willing to give it up … for the greater good of this country and this great state.”


Early in the her Thursday video, Palin hinted that Murkowski may face repercussions for not voting to confirm President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, expected to be announced on Saturday.


“If you can’t find it within yourself to do the right thing this time, and at least give a fair shake to the Supreme Court nominee that your president will be bringing before you, if you can’t find it within yourself to do the right thing, … and [do] what the majority of Americans want you to do, to do what you were sent to Washington, D.C., to do,” Palin says.


“Walk back what you have already committed yourself to. You better backtrack. You know, you have already put yourself in this box saying no matter who it is, you’re not going to support the person, not until you have a chance to appoint a judicial nominee under another president instead of this one,” Palin continues. “You’re hoping, what, that this president doesn’t win? Otherwise, you’d be cooperating with the president. Really, what it is is cooperating with the majority of Americans who know that it’s now or never for America.”


“So much hinges on the Supreme Court. You know the reason, you know why it’s so important, and that’s why you’re thinking you’re going to go rogue. You know, there’s a time and a place to go rogue. This isn’t the time, this isn’t the place. We sure hope you have it within you to do the right thing this time. So you should walk back,” Palin says, adding in a reference to her 2009 book “Going Rogue.”


“We’ll forgive you. Wait … we’ve done this how many times before, though? And we kept saying we’d forgive this? If you can’t do that, remember my house. I can see a lot of things from my house. … Lisa, I can see 2022 from my house,” Palin says.


go sarah

Anonymous ID: 4c372f Sept. 26, 2020, 7:39 a.m. No.10797192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

lb notable >>10795859 Re Q on looking at the "background": what about behind POTUS?

good theory!

anyone have other angles of the AF1 exec office?

is it just a wall behind potus, or a tv?

maybe it was a hidden camera.


when Potus brings up AF1 gazillion TVs, re. surveillance?

msm caught in web? a message to puppets, politicians implying your masters have no leverage on me (that can save anyone from being held to account) I know the game of surveillance, and avoided entrapment.

– remember WH remodel

– Potus went to DC 17x never stayed over (the walls have eyes/ears)


The cabal is pushing puppets hard, politicians and others went from merely stealing tax money through fraud to participating in a coup. They are hanging on, following orders BECAUSE they think Cabal has leverage on Potus that will SAVE them from prosecution.

As investigations unfold and MF is freed, the control of the puppet masters is threatened, Cabal can take care of a defector or two, but if people stop serving them en masse, they collapse.

Many are only going along because they are in deep and think cabal will come to the rescue, when it is obvious that will not happen……. MANY WILL EXIT EARLY! (before they pull the 2020 election Coup).

Anonymous ID: 4c372f Sept. 26, 2020, 7:44 a.m. No.10797255   🗄️.is 🔗kun


would be great!

she has a desire to correct system after msm/ds smeared her, that would be good justice for her.

with info warfare, anons, SM and Qs efforts.

i see a great advantage in filling politics and gov with those who have seen the cabal evils firsthand, those that understand and can see the evil- and thus defend against it for we the people