ID: a97837 Sept. 26, 2020, 10 a.m. No.10798333   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Eckart Tolle and other charismatics “stars” or “celebrity influencers” like Oprah, Werner Erhard ('est'), Tony Robbins, Alan Watts, Billy Graham, Deepak Chopra - Huxley - Crowley etc ALL rely on hypnotic induction, contagion and repetition to modify individual belief systems; altering short and long-term goals as well as emotional states. Memory matrixes employed are similar to the matrixes used in MK Ultra color coded alter systems. The organizing principals of some hermetic forerunner memory systems are described here:


Individuals who use the memory systems were capable of extraordinary feats of memory, perhaps many times over, if trauma was used to create distinct “alters” or separate, autonomous personalities or ‘virtual selves.’ (Each alter could have discreet memories) After Giordano Bruno was burned, public discussion of memory systems became “occult” and the few natural philosophers who continued to explore such knowledge practiced secrecy and used coded language.


The bloodlines use childhood trauma as an teaching aid, producing high functioning offspring with ‘alter’ identities, compartmentalized personas with the mental capacity and ruthlessness necessary to compete with the other bloodline families, maintain dominance over the sleeping sheep, and so control of its own destiny and the destiny of mankind.


Sinister charismatics, Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Tony Robbins L Ron Hubbard etc command relatively high-level programming skills which allow them to manipulate or reprogram individual belief systems with some facility. Is this done to “make people happy” and help realize untapped potential? Or to build human bot nets of controlled, compliant individuals who share similarly modified realities?


Gurus who recognize their ability to control others and permanently alter beliefs, behaviors and preferences soon figure out how to deploy their own unique marketing strategy.


Charismatic / hypno-sexual programmers flourish and do their business openly because we don’t like to talk about how suggestible, how easily influenced and persuadable, we humans truly are.


Mass hypnosis uses a technique called “shock induction” to create a compliant, suggestible public with staged traumatic events (like 911 etc) a public that which will readily sacrifice hard won and longstanding liberties in exchange for promised security against further false flag attacks.


The power and reach of mass media content psyop tactics in tightly networked populations is so great that only direct joint action by the US military, POTUS, the executive branch, Q and anons could hope to prevail against it.




Images. Randal Stevenson former CEO of AT&T is also former executive director of Boy Scouts of America. After the cultist took out Warner Bro CEO Kevin Tsujihara

on Randal Stevenson's watch, they took out Stevenson (former executive director of Boy Scouts of America) and replaced him with Stankey, John. In addition to the CEO job at AT&T Stankey sits on the Board of UPS.


These people are responsible for a sustained psychological attack on the US population.

>Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

ID: a97837 Sept. 26, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.10798775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Summat Stankey at AT&T


Another AT&T Boy Scouts of America connection.


>Edward Earl Whitacre Jr. (born November 4, 1941) is the former Chairman and CEO of General Motors. He is also a former chairman of the board and chief executive officer of AT&T Inc., previously Southwestern Bell Corporation (SBC). He served as national president of the Boy Scouts of America from 1998 to 2000.


Witacre was replaced as CEO at AT&T by Randall Lynn Stevenson who

>served as National Chair of the Boy Scouts of America from 2016 to 2018.


Turns out current CEO John Stankey has a BSA connection too.


> Stankey was also an avid Boy Scout and attained the rank of Eagle Scout.


Will this account for the pedo/tranny subversive psyops WarnerBros/CNN/HBO ?


Warner's also produced The Exorcist movies and settled a lawsuit over subliminal embeds employed in the film.