Why cant you guys realize Trump picked Biden. This is not a real campain. Its a movie.
Original sin is a mind control device.
Probably to prove he was a jew
Is is why the changed Chik Fil A and took the braces off the bitch at the end of Moonraker. Fuckers be fucking with the timelines.
Any group that has lots of men who can not marry is asking for trouble.
Besides keeping all the money for the church the pope that made this a law probably knew they would gets lots of faggots and kid fuckers out of this ruling.
The Jew lied about women being responsible for the fall of man. Jews lie.
Its a faggot religion. Have you people not figured out that yet?
Leading up to Obongo and Columbia? The nigger never went to Columbia at all. That was the year he was in Pakistan and getting fucked in the ass by a Prince of Saudi Arabia.
They arrested David Icke earlier today. Probably because he knows its the Jews.
His co star eats human flesh.