Planned Parenthood got $80 million in scamdemic funds.
Planned Parenthood got $80 million in scamdemic funds.
Trump better be on time.
Plus he doesn't create a story, he just presents the objective evidence our criminal Congress tries to hide.
No scamdemic seating. Good.
Comey or higher and that's just so I'll vote on 11/3.
>calling this into the FBI at their San Francisco field office
There are 2 LOLz in there. See if you can find them.
Whether it works out well for us or not, I have no doubt he knows exactly what he's doing.
Haha! What a jackass.
True. But it's clear they have no ammo if all they can find to pretend to be outraged by are her religious beliefs.
Yeah, the response is based. Trump needs to save him. He knows his base is grateful to JA and he should be too.
LOL. Amen.