anon dropped a pick of tut and obama side by side with a comparison
and congress wine glass anon gave reply with a NN for Zero with R's pointed out in the context
jokeR tut’s little foRay..
does RR == Rod Rosenstein
where is Rod
when it is a man and a woman
there are two of them on the scaffolding
yeh I commented on that to Q when it was posted
you will definitively be more liked on FB you should go there now
yeh, they will come for each one by one, totally agree, we are fucked if we don't win
I am not perfect but I can do that other shit, so yeh it is all or nothing
Salute Anons
we are not secret or nothing, we just don't tell anybody who we are
no that was a news broadcast on congress wineglass anons TV, it looks weird cause of the filtering to bring out the reflection in the wine glass