I like to play Jimmy Dorre for my moderate Dem friends and watch the cognitive dissonance confuse/mildly-frustrate them.
don't think "summon" is the word I'd use, but not 100% on that. From personal experience, a long, sincere session of praise/worship (talking well over 2 hours) by myself, led to an out-of-body (or seemed like it…perhaps 'caught up in the spirit" is what others would cal it) experience with Him. Invest time in Him (something I still don't do enough) and he'll invest back. "God inhabits the praises of His people" -Psalm 22:3
made my first-ever GIF from that interview
The world really isn't so big as to justify how much I feel like I live in a vacuum when it comes to habbenings in spots like that. Oddly, I just feel no connection or ability to relate, despite it probably being more relatable to me than some of the media-intense gulf-state conflicts overseas with which I have far less in common.