Anonymous ID: 13ba86 April 17, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.1080907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0939 >>0945 >>1006 >>1027 >>1508



This. They attempt to forge a counter-narrative that would be spread by the MSM to try to turn the tide.


They keep forgetting one thing: the MSM is done. Finished. Deader than dead. If they couldn't get people to believe Q was a larp, do they now expect that people have literally five-second memories when they suddenly turn around and go OH SHIT WAIT IT'S NOT HARMLESS AND SUDDENLY Q HAS THE CAPABILITY TO KILL PEOPLE WITH AIRCRASHES/DISEASES!


NOBODY is that stupid, dear Cabal. Nobody… but you, I suppose!

Anonymous ID: 13ba86 April 17, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.1081269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1290 >>1294 >>1361 >>1528

To the inevitable concernfags that will show up regarding the aircrash:


Did you really think this would end without casualties? The Cabal is BEYOND desperate, it is most likely the first time in their lives when they're legitimately scared. They will do EVERYTHING in their power to avert what is coming. Most of that was secured by POTUS, Q and Military already, but it is impossible to secure everything. Remember MKULTRA? They have a set of unknowing hitmen ready to go off with the right communications. Who knows how many of them are airplane pilots, mechanics or otherwise personnel necessary to operate airplanes? It is IMPOSSIBLE to stop every event that might be coming, but rest assured - for every inch the Cabal tries to take back by sacrificing innocent lives like that, POTUS is going to make them hurt. Swiftly. He's going to kick them in the nuts so bad they'll think twice of reusing assets like these. Remember, he can hear them breathing. He knows where they are.


Trust the plan. We are winning. But don't get complacent, this is war.

Anonymous ID: 13ba86 April 17, 2018, 3:07 p.m. No.1081513   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Give them enough rope to hang themselves. Every new false-flag is one more nail in their own coffins. They just don't know it yet.


Not saying POTUS allows FF to happen, sacrificing lives, because he most definitely isn't. But, as mentioned above, it is impossible to secure everything. If a legit FF makes it through, you get the most proof it was prepared by (((them))), save it for the right time and then have a group session of rubbing their faces in it. Preferably while electrocuting them, but I'm open to ideas.