Anonymous ID: edf834 April 17, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.1081183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1197 >>1295

Archive - watchers will now erase from web.


Through the looking glass.

They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This will fail.


How much power of influence does Twitter, FB, Reddit, etc. have in influencing the minds of people?

Has the stranglehold of the MSM been diminished?

What is open source?

What has become blatantly obvious since the election of POTUS?


Google is already helping the government write, and rewrite, history. https://


23andMe? https://

DNA sequencing technologies are predicted to exceed $20 billion with opportunities beyond niche diagnostic markets.


CIA publishes a helpful list of press releases on all the social media ventures it sponsors, via its technology investment arm In-Q-Tel. https:// www.


Most recently, GeoSemble announced an update to its GeoXray product, which monitors social media chatter based on location:

This capability benefits business users who may be monitoring competition, supply chain activity or business opportunities in a county, neighborhood or border region. For governments at the city, local and Federal levels it brings the ability to visualize activity in a given area filtered by topic, time and location…. we can deliver whatever information is available about that place from websites, blogs, tweets and other social media automatically and accurately …


CIA and the worlds largest ad agency network, WPP (WPPGY), have been in bed together on a social media data-mining venture since at least January 2009.

WPP currently claims to own the world's largest database of unique individual profiles – including demographic, financial, purchase and geographic histories. WPP's Visible Technologies unit took an investment from In-Q-Tel in fall of 2009. Visible Technologies develops tools that can scan social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook.


Other companies that mine web data and have taken In-Q-Tel investments include:

Fetch Technologues, Cleversafe, Cloudera


Google and In-Q-Tel made a joint investment on a company called Recorded Future, which has the Minority Report-style goal of creating a "temporal analytics engine" that scours the web and creates curves that predict where events may head.


In-Q-Tel was launched in 1999 with former CIA Director George Tenet explaining the vision behind it as being:

https:// www.


"We [the CIA] decided to use our limited Dollars to leverage technology developed elsewhere.


Not surprisingly, according to The Wall Street Journal, the reality is that In-Q-Tel runs virtually all investment decisions by the CIA.


As far back as 2005, The Washington Post reported that virtually any US entrepreneur, inventor or research scientist working on ways to analyze data had probably received a phone call from In-Q-Tel or at least been Googled by its staff of technology watchers.


One company that happened to be very hungry for startup capital in 2005 was Facebook.

The company received its first capital injection of $500,000 from Peter Thiel that summer. The next two capital injections were $12.7 million from Thiel and Accel Partners in May 2005 and then $27.5 million from an Accel-led round of financing that included Thiel, Accel and Greylock Partners in April 2006.3


• Peter Thiel: Took In-Q-Tel funding for his startup firm Palantir somewhere around 2004.

• Accel Partners: In 2004, Accel partner James Breyer sat on the board of directors of military defense contractor BBN with In-Q-Tel's CEO Gilman Louie.

• Greylock Partners: Howard Cox, the head of Greylock, served directly on In-Q-Tel's board of directors.


Facebook's first angel investors appear to be connected to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). https://


Everything is interconnected. Everything is related. DARPA became internationally famous when they launched "Information Awareness Office", a program for the U.S government. It was an abomination of human rights as the Government could browse internet activity, credit card purchase histories, airline ticket purchases, car rentals, tax returns and any other personal details.

Anonymous ID: edf834 April 17, 2018, 2:45 p.m. No.1081197   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Report of the Independent Panel on the CIA In-Q-Tel Venture http://

ongoing engagement of In-Q-Tel into technical and venturing communities, which is often referred to as “swimming in the valley”


Agency workspace has been reproduced for “eCollection” projects by replicating the type and amount of data an “eCollection” technology would most likely work against.


Global Internet Forum https:// www.


One of the coordinated industry efforts against pro-terrorism online content is the development of a shared database of “hashes of the most extreme and egregious terrorist images and videos” that the companies have removed from their services. The companies that started this effort—Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and Google/YouTube—explained that the idea is that by sharing “digital fingerprints” of terrorist images and videos, other companies can quickly “use those hashes to identify such content on their services, review against their respective policies and definitions, and remove matching content as appropriate.”


We are concerned about the use of artificial intelligence automation to combat pro-terrorism content because of the imprecision inherent in systems that automatically block or remove content based on an algorithm. Facebook has perhaps been the most aggressive in deploying AI in the form of machine learning technology in this context.


This problem could also go the other way: a change in culture or how some group of people express themselves could cause an algorithm to start tagging their posts as pro-terrorism content, even though they’re not (for example, if people co-opted a slogan previously used by terrorists in order to de-legitimize the terrorist group).


INTellingence: Open Source Intelligence

https:// www.

OSINT is drawn from publicly available material, including:

• The Internet

• Traditional mass media (e.g. television, radio, newspapers, magazines)

• Specialized journals, conference proceedings, and think tank studies

• Photos

• Geospatial information (e.g. maps and commercial imagery products)

An organization that invests in open source today is akin to an individual who invested in Google in its first year. OSINT has always been an integral component in intelligence, but in five years, I believe the value proposition can only increase. An organization with an appreciation for OSINT’s value and potential will be the most effective in the future.”




Cross-platform collaboration: have begun work on systems to enable us to take action against terrorist accounts across all our platforms, including WhatsApp and Instagram. Given the limited data some of our apps collect as part of their service, the ability to share data across the whole family is indispensable to our efforts to keep all our platforms safe.


Industry cooperation: In order to more quickly identify and slow the spread of terrorist content online, we joined with Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube six months ago to announce a shared industry database of “hashes” — unique digital fingerprints for photos and videos


Encryption. We know that terrorists sometimes use encrypted messaging to communicate. Encryption technology has many legitimate uses – from protecting our online banking to keeping our photos safe. It’s also essential for journalists, NGO workers, human rights campaigners and others who need to know their messages will remain secure.


Facebook’s rules constitute a legal world of their own. They stand in sharp contrast to the United States’ First Amendment protections of free speech

https:// www.


A trove of internal documents reviewed by ProPublica sheds new light on the secret guidelines that Facebook’s censors use to distinguish between hate speech and legitimate political expression.


While Facebook was credited during the 2010-2011 “Arab Spring” with facilitating uprisings against authoritarian regimes, the documents suggest that, at least in some instances, the company’s hate-speech rules tend to favor elites and governments over grassroots activists and racial minorities. In so doing, they serve the business interests of the global company, which relies on national governments not to block its service to their citizens.


https:// www.


https:// www.