<I'm a 7th Day Adventist
This guy is going to burn in hell, you don't worship on Saturday.
<I'm a 7th Day Adventist
This guy is going to burn in hell, you don't worship on Saturday.
>What scientific experiment could one perform to determine what 'day of the week' it is?
It's called reading scripture you heathen.
>Even if it's exposed that Obama spied on everything, most liberals will rationalize it to themselves.
Libs have already done that. Go talk to some of them, most already know. They say "well he thought Trump was colluding with Russia, so it's all good".
Shit, libs now are starting to wake up that Michael is a man and the kids are fake. Before it was
<No way Michelle is a tranny
but now? It's:
>What's the big deal? Why is everyone on the right transphobic and homophobic.
Pretty based, I don't believe these chimps should hold any position of power.
Enjoy burning in Hell.
What's this?
Niggers have been burning and looting cities for months now, attacking white people in the streets. Now Trump is giving them $500B.
Why is voting for Trump a good idea again?
He's a lying grifter you idiot, not MK Ultra'd.