How the left's vast anti-Trump conspiracies turned to dust
President Trump has been confronted with a series of false and unfounded conspiracy stories from the same liberal establishment that condemns the QAnon phenomenon, according to an analysis of the president’s nearly four years in office.
The press has lambasted the right-wing mystery persona of QAnon and its internet-driven conspiracy theory that a cabal of Hollywood big shots, Democrats and federal officials is involved in a pedophile ring determined to bring down the president.
At the same time, anti-QAnon liberals have embraced and promoted scores of false Trump-centric stories and conspiracies. Among the more bizarre are rumors of an international White House-based assassination scheme and a desire to exterminate Hispanics. More personal tales suggest that Mr. Trump has had “mini-strokes” and mental illness.
The Washington Times analyzed the left’s conspiracy culture and compiled a list of 34 items (not all-inclusive) dating back to Mr. Trump’s first day in office. Such stories fed thousands of social media blogs and cable news churn….