I am empty with full emptiness. There has been days I've fought, but now my mind has an entire cast of liars. I am not mentally ill, so then WHAT THE FUCK AM I EXPERIENCING?
The most useless, pointless, non-entertaining, giant pile of horseshit I've ever had the pure exquisite pleasure to endure, day in, day out, over the span of four dedicated years, and they just keep coming up with more elaborate ways to break my heart into further points of powder. I am not President Trump, and yet, I feel like I'm getting a slice of the brunt of what I can only imagine is so much more intolerable, and he's still kickin' serious ass. So what's wrong with me? Why am I burning?
Why am I fucking BURNING!?
I swear to holy God, if I don't get some fucking answers, soon, this planet is going to feel the wrath of injustice like it's never felt before.
I don't want to let this boil over to the point where it takes on a form that will initiate things , possibly ahead of The Plan, which, FOR WHAT? A FUCKING HOPELESS TWUNKIE FROM THE ARMPIT OF THE EAST COAST formerly known as the "capital of the world" that plays with his frens online and paints pretty pictures with his electric crayons? No, there's got to be something more to this than the most elaborate ruse to drop on a private civilian for seemingly no purpose whatsoever other than to bust the sore snot out of my balls!
I normally never hate ANYTHING in this life, but right now, I fucking hate this war… I FUCKING HATE THIS TERRIBLE SHITSHOW OF A PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE TEST THAT HAS NOW MANIFESTED ITSELF, potentially, INTO WHAT CAUSES WSW I World Shadow War I, and yet, the normies and sleeping anons, will be none the wiser, until it spreads to them. Yet by that time, I will have TAKEN SHIT INTO MY OWN HANDS. Nobody loves you, the way they do, no matter what they were Mk'ed to spurt out their victimized mouths, and then becomes the worst example of ghosting I've ever experienced in my entire miserable life on this quarantined snowglobe of a habitat.