Anonymous ID: 498511 Sept. 27, 2020, 5:10 p.m. No.10814928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4963 >>4965



I keep reading Anons posting "Obidan wins, steps down, BHO or Kameltoe steps up….blah blah blah"… and I don't see that ever happening as that would open up a whole diff can of worms that we the people would have to fight to overturn. (And I don't know where to begin to do that) I can't wrap my head around that and the fight involved to prove they rigged it. It's too late at that point.


I believe Trump will win in the largest landslide EVER seen in history, and then, the gloves are totally off. No holds Barred! Indictments unsealed, arrests made, perp walks, etc. (Anon's dream!) And then, the major structural changes to our govt begin in Jan when we control House and Senate. Things happen fast and furious.

"Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt establishment with one run by you the American people."


People arent having Unprecendented Trump Boating events, and showing up at Rallies in massive numbers cuz they want to see Obidan win and step down. NO. That can't and won't happen. It will be shown, to some degree and even more than it has been currently, prior to election, just how corrupt the Left is. They will lose all on their own.