Maybe if POTUS dropped the hammer the media would stop pounding him up the ass every day.
The country fell apart on Trump’s watch.
He’s actually signaling that “soon” we should “trust Durham” and after 10 days of darkness the sky event will occur, so plane fags be ready: it looks like the Pope will be having a terrible (but not so terrible that he is arrested or steps down) May.
>top kek
Ya bro! It’s SO funny watching POTUS have to deal with the media instead of making America great again!! Top fucking kek.
Literally post a livestream of your suicide.
Agree with you anon.
You are NOT ALLOWED to say ANYTHING critical of Trump around here, and it’s sad to tell you the truth.
Lol remember this one:
“Anons ready for arrests?”
That was in 2018.
But here they are, still praising the lord and savior.
Careful bro, that kind of talk will subject you to ad hominem attacks of being a “shill” or concern fag.
You know, because demanding justice and not wanting to see your country burn down to the ground is bad somehow.