Anonymous ID: 60de6d Sept. 27, 2020, 6:20 p.m. No.10815717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10814263 (pb) Questions about AstraZeneca's vaccine trials.


"unrelated to the vaccine”- this seems to be a common refrain in vaccine clinical trials where ANY change in a participant's health should be examined with a fine tooth comb. Vaccines are given to ostensibly healthy people to "prevent" and illness they might never develop so vaccine safety should be HIGHLY emphasized. Instead, the profit motive seems to blind researchers and executives into ignoring safety signals. People need to remember that vaccine trial participants are generally the most healthy people available. If the vaccine injures those presumably "healthiest", what will it do to people with other conditions?


Both transverse myelitis and MS are related to vaccines. I believe MS can be caused or exacerbated by vaccine and if I understand correctly cases of transverse myelitis have been awarded compensation from "vaccine court".


AstraZeneca has a real problem on its hands, imo. The public is now alerted to these potential issues. If it turns out they are ignoring a safety signal it will be a huge disaster, I think.


I have found an apparent record of a legal decision in which an award from "vaccine court" was awarded due to a case of transverse myelitis in a minor who had received a flu vaccine.


This link provides information about cases of multiple sclerosis that apparently followed Hepatitis B vaccination in France.