Anonymous ID: dbd99b Sept. 27, 2020, 5:23 p.m. No.10815077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5199 >>5364

Love you Q and I owe you for so much. You've changed my life. I have but one disagreement with you though, sir. This 3-6% of us lost forever, the unity you're expecting. You really need to lower your expectations. These people have been bred all their lives to be this way and they'll not surrender their stance until their blood stops flowing.

You could post a very clear, undisputable video of all the elite, including both Clintons, Obamas, all of hollywood and have Soros and the rothschilds in the back sitting on flamming red thrones, eating children and slicing them up while they scream, and the left would stare at it for 10 seconds before turning around and chanting, TRUMP MUST GO…. I don't think ANYTHING you have left in the arsenal, if anything at all is left, will have enough power to change their minds or wake them up. I think we're looking at a major loss of 30-45% and I just don't think anything can change that. I'm not even certain at this point we have a chance in this election. There's already truck loads of Trump Ballots being found all over the damn place… In ditches, pools, trash sites, littered about the back alley streets in metropolis cities.

I sure hope you know what you're doing with this "Plan."

I hope you're not counting on Jesus to come back before then and set things right, because it looks more and more each day like we're going to have to lock and load and do this ourselves.

Anonymous ID: dbd99b Sept. 27, 2020, 5:39 p.m. No.10815250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5323 >>5364


Wow, I didn't expect an intelligent reply in this room. Thank you for your opinion. I haven't been swayed that we're looking at a much higher number yet. I won't be either, unless Q has something really spectacular that ACTUALLY WILL SHOCK the WORLD. … and time is running out for that.

October Surprise had better be mind blowing. If not, I don't see a way out of a second revolution and that breaks my heart.

Anonymous ID: dbd99b Sept. 27, 2020, 6:04 p.m. No.10815535   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No, I mean, yes, that is him… but that's not footage of the accident. Van looks like his in the accident, but person being shown doesn't look like vincent.