>>10816155 (pb)
I suppose I want you to not post the propaganda stuff from Hollywood insiders
>>10816155 (pb)
I suppose I want you to not post the propaganda stuff from Hollywood insiders
looks like all the ego-death people are off tripping in the graveyard trying to kill their egos and are gone from the bread.
Hillarious how they are so attached to the idea of ego death that a comment from a person here would make them flip out.
but if you really want to learn about the workings of the mind and how it fails . . . you can read books. Other people already studied this stuff.
try this title if you really want to learn how the mind breaks down
The Major Ordeals of the Mind, and the Countless Minor Ones Hardcover – January 1, 1974
by Henri Michaux
Henri Michaux explains how the psychosis develops, and all the various ways that different abuse of mind (drugs, starvation, other things) result in mental and emotional collapse or breakdown.
I don't have a clue what you are talking about.
did you know that 100,000,000 million people are said to be descendants of King John I of England?
Explain that!
did you add in the aggrigated interest?
I've never heard of it, and I'm not a ferensic pathologist.
you had better consult a doctor.
Oh, and a snarky joke response to that question:
because they trusted the diagnosis of a quack cabal psychologist?
that's life.
egodeath is a pop fiction of LId heads and LSD instant karma wanna bees.
people in the last bread were openly discussing useing LSD to do it, So I took a direct approach to discourage it.
you work on it too.
and remember to always floss every so often . . .
PS: that just showed up.
why scold me for what I asked for.
and there it is.
Daily mail is a propaganda rag, though.
often they are wrong about things.
you scolded me about asking for sauce when none was given after it was given because I asked for it.
you should apologize.
but as I have no ego about that you can do what you want.
hey, why don't you put your fakeness out to pasture?
if your alter ego Bejamin says so, fictional nomen of Mr. Franklin
the shills are in force here with pointless banter and spurging depravity.
PS: if you think it's discusting creep-bot, then why post a picture of it? wait a video
because you are a hypocrite!
smooch smooch secret baker comms
is that for when you give them the something something at the end of the shift?
you are the biggest asshole hypocrite in these breads.