If your tooth ever gets infected, try "oil pulling". It's amazing.
God always feels good. God is in your heart..God is at the core of who you are. It's your thoughts that hurt and hold you back.. See.. you can't try to figure out the "how".. that's for people who do not succeed.. I mean if you knew the "how" you wouldn't be where you are currently. You just have to line up your thoughts with God. God has no obstacles and hurdles.. You line up your thoughts with God by having FAITH. You have faith by CHOOSING the thoughts that feel better or bring you relief.. you will notice those are always optimistic. Fear/worry/doubt always FEEL bad… Faith/optimism always feel good. God FEELS good.. That's how you know what you are doing with your thoughts. You cannot serve two masters.. you have to pick one.. you can't want things to work out and get better if you spend all of your thoughts complaining about what is wrong. When you notice you don't have money.. it's like you are asking God to keep you poor… When you focus on how you think you will feel if your prayer was already answered right now..you would feel better.. that better feeling is your indicator of what you are doing with your thoughts.. Then the trick is.. you try to think the better feeling ones for as long as you can. NOT to make money come to you but because YOU are in control of how you think and therefore how you feel… and then you will realize feeling good is up to you. But THEN your life turns around.. opportunity you didn't know was there will start showing up.. have you ever been on the phone and you are trying to find your shoe or keys or something and you had it in your hand already or you think you lost something and it was right in front of you the whole time? You could not see it because of the thoughts about it being "lost".. so opportunities are the same way.. you have to be open to receive.. the optimistic thoughts feel better always.. When a bill is due and you don't have the money and you don't know wtf you're going to do or how u will survive.. let go.. try to trust God.. let God bring you the ideas/solutions//people/events etc that will get you what you need.. but you have to TRUST and stay positive. Then play with it.. ask to see a pink car or to find a quarter on the ground.. ask for little things that don't matter to you..but things you don't doubt ..you don't see a pink car very often,. but it's not impossible.. it's easy to find a penny..but harder to find a quarter..but not impossible.. ask for little things like that and then let go and watch how FAST God brings them to you? Why? Because you didn't think thoughts that blocked it from happening. "There's no pink cars, I never see a pink car, I don't know anybody that has a pink car that could let me see it, pink cars are hard to find" like how we do about money..we block it..it's like we keep telling God, "Nope.. don't give me any. I don't see it. It's not here. Don't give me any..I don't know HOW you could ever do it..so just DON'T do it." Prayers can only be answered through faith. Faith is when you let go of trying to figure something out with your tiny, human mind, that you don't have the answer to and you trust God to do it with God's mind because God KNOWS the HOW.. but you won't be able to see it right in front of you if you stay doubting. God feels good/doubt/fear/disconnection from God FEELS bad. Always. No exceptions ever. NOTHING is impossible to God and to he who believes in God, nothing is impossible. Trump is a MASTER. Pay attention to the words he chooses.. He has it figured out. He said he avoids painful thoughts at all costs. Forgot which book I read that in. Turn that frown upside down, faggit. You'll feel better and in control.