Anonymous ID: 8eee37 Sept. 27, 2020, 11:42 p.m. No.10818907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8913 >>9073

It's not that I want to look at women without their clothes

It's that the women WANT to take of their clothes

And show off their bodies

So I am pleased to give the the enjoyment

Of an appreciative audience


Odd how often Coco Chanel's concept

Of La Petite Robe Noire

Makes an appearance

Anonymous ID: 8eee37 Sept. 28, 2020, 12:23 a.m. No.10819020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9027 >>9120 >>9229 >>9294 >>9336 >>9414 >>9446 >>9601


It's not her only crime


Jim’ale The Jihadi Organ Grinder and his Little Tweeting Monkey


On August 25, 2019, Ilhan Omar tweeted a cryptic post stating:


“Somali government and peacekeeping forces, need to protect @Hormuud and the Somali telecom industry as they make enormous contribution to the economy and provide vital services. During my visit to Somalia in 2011, I was surprised by the quick evolution of the technology in Somalia.”


What Ilhan Omar omitted in her tweet was the actual reasons why she promoted Hormuud, the identity of the people that facilitated her 2011 and subsequent trips to Somalia, and their agendas. Considering the fact that Omar (known back in Somalia as Elmi) has protected status and carries a non-expiring ‘Do not investigate me with extreme prejudice’ certificate, I decided to shed some light on the main subject of her tweet: the mysterious Somali Telecom Hormuud and its founder, Ahmed Nur Ali Jim’ale—a cuddly, lovable man with a henna dyed beard and a ceaseless passion for violent jihad.


Who is Ahmed Nur Ali Jim’ale

Ahmed Nur Ali Jim’ale AKA ‘Jim’ale’ is one of the wealthiest Somali businessmen and is the founder of the Al Barakat group of companies. He is also the owner of Hormuud Telecom. Beside his business interests, Jim’ale also happens to be the leading financier of the al-Shabaab, a Somali Salafi jihadi terrorist organization which since 2006 has been responsible for dozens of car and suicide bombings, kidnappings, assassinations, and targeted killing of thousands of innocent Somalis.


In the mid-2000s, Jim’ale gained enough notoriety to get added to US and UN travel bans, assets freeze databases, and targeted arms embargo lists imposed by paragraphs 1, 3, and 7 of Resolution 1844.


Jim’ale is not some small-time Kalashnikov wielding terrorist. He is a well known and respected jihadi leader and in this capacity he served in several executive roles within the Somali Council of Islamic Courts, AKA the ‘Somali Islamic Courts Union’. This was the most radical Somali jihadi Islamist political element, the same one which eventually formed the military group known as al-Shabaab (The Youth). Al-Shabab’s ideology is based on hardcore Salafism and Wahhabism and aggressively promotes the concepts of takfir, the excommunication and killing of apostates or unbelievers. The groups political objective is to create an Islamic state in the Horn of Africa that would include not only Somalia but also Djibouti, Kenya, and Ethiopia.


In 2010, Al-Shabaab was targeted in sanctions by the United Nations Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 concerning Somalia and Eritrea (the “Somalia/Eritrea Sanctions Committee”). According to the July 18, 2011 report (S/2011/433 Item # 71), Jim’ale was identified as:


“…Al-Shabaab not only attracts their business by imposing lower rates of taxation in Kismaayo than at ports controlled by the Transitional Federal Government but also actively promotes large scale imports of sugar and exports of charcoal by offering preferential access and tax breaks to Al-Shabaab affiliated businesses. Two of the most prominent figures in the network are businessmen with historical linkages to militant Islamist groups in Somalia: Abukar Omar Adaani and Ahmed Nur Jim’aale.”


Jim’ale was also marked as being related to the Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid, another Ilhan Omar idol, who triggered the Battle of Mogadishu:


“Mohamad Warsame is from the same sub-clan as General Mohamed Farrah Aidid, and was once known as being General Aidid’s representative in Bakaara market. Through his presence in Bakaara, he has developed a working relationship with Mr. Jim’ale.”


Jim’ale’s support for Somali Islamic fundamentalist terror goes far beyond a business venture; he is openly aligned with the al-Shabaab and other jihadi Salafi strategy and ideology. In the past, he provided major funding and political support for Hassan Dahir Aweys, who was listed by the Somalia/Eritrea Sanctions Committee. Former al-Shabaab Deputy Emir Muktar Robow also collaborated closely with Aweys and Jim’ale in consolidating their leadership role during the early 2010s in al-Shabaab’s political and ideological leadership struggle.

Anonymous ID: 8eee37 Sept. 28, 2020, 12:36 a.m. No.10819055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9067 >>9087


This is wierd

Because back in the 1960s

I read some old science fiction magazines from the 40s and 50s

And one story was about a guy who was sent to a private hospital

Where they were doing this to the inmates

Every evening he would rip a mesh of wires out of his pillow

Presumably the brainwave detector

And the next day the pillow was repaired/replaced


This is, in fact, the basis of MK-Ultra programming.

Normally it starts with torture

And then programming sessions like this

Even when they are done waking

The patient is put into the right brainwave state

Which is monitored throughout the process

Then at night, the days training gets reinforced using this newly discovered technique from the 1950s CIA Technical Services Division.


By the way, RFID was also invented by the CIA or the Air Force

Back in the early 1950s

The early RFID chips had an external antenna

And were inserted up into your sinus

Or into the uterus

They accidentally invented the IUD as part of this program.

Anonymous ID: 8eee37 Sept. 28, 2020, 12:59 a.m. No.10819112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9169


Why do they call it the New World Order

Instead of One World Government?


Because it is actually a religion

And the members of a certain Religious Order

Are the supreme rulers of the planet.

Which order?


The Order of the Lamp of the Invisible Light

LIL for short

To hell with the 1st amendment

Yes, literally, to HELL with it

Because the only way to become part of the elite Technocracy

Is to join their order.

Read all about it…


Anonymous ID: 8eee37 Sept. 28, 2020, 1:17 a.m. No.10819169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9411


The Lamp of the Invisible Light is similar to the concept of White Fire in the Kabbalah


The Zoroastrian Parsees worship fire, but are so secretive about their temples that I do not believe that it is merely the flames that burn up oil and wood. This would explain why they left Persia and moved to India, the land of Esoteric teachings.


The Eleusinian Mysteries involved an esoteric fire as well.


Nabokov wrote a poem in 999 lines called Pale Fire. Don't look at this post upside down or you may die of fright.


What, exactly, is a Black Sun?

Anonymous ID: 8eee37 Sept. 28, 2020, 1:32 a.m. No.10819212   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Is she the cheater of Justice who ran over some patriots in her car?


She is clearly not a Cheetah like this other lady

Strike like the FLEETEST animal on the planet