notable theory
Is Brad's incident related to Suicide weekend?
Meh. This shit is a big deal for US, but for normies it's fake newsuntil someone is arrested for it
No one gives a fuck otherwise, because they have been conditioned to know that the media lies..
> If the man has dementia there is no need to be cruel, plus the older voters might not appreciate it. There is a way to do this and stay classy.
good point.
>But if this is true, it could be used for normies redpill material.
To much of a reach. Could very well be true, but every time you have to fold/flip/reverse illustrations you can make almost anything you want.
The video evidence, put options, and EOs on hijacked planes, and wtc 7 are the way to go in my opinion. The dollar origami game makes us look like idiots.
>tfw you find out your college football hero is fuking faggot
like a legit faggot? or just a cabal faggot?