Anonymous ID: ad671d April 17, 2018, 4:26 p.m. No.1082416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2446

>>1081947 (lb)

Note this part of the graph:

"Democracy may be blamed but the real problem is the representative system. Had immigration been subjected to a democratic vote, it would have been halted in all Western nations decades ago. Even if such vote was carried out today, immigration would be halted".

Now see these pics related #1, 2 and 3.

I hope this alert people to the degree to which the cabal uses subeversive jew agents to destroy our Western nations just because they can hide from legitimate criticism by using the "anti-semitic trick".


Pics related #4 and 5 are so the shills can't use the "anti-semitic trick" to try to shut down my LEGITIMATE and FULLY SOURCED criticism to jew group behavior. Off course there are good jews, love those jews, hate the subversive kikes.

Anonymous ID: ad671d April 17, 2018, 4:35 p.m. No.1082501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2505 >>2549 >>2566



Legitimate criticism to jews and Israel is not hate nor shilling.

Everyone who is not a shill knows that there are good jews, and subversive kikes that rely on their jewishness to hide from legitimate criticism by using the "anti-semitic trick".

Here is an example of 5 pics that are LEGITIMATE and FULLY SOURCED criticism to jew group behavior.

God speed anon.

Anonymous ID: ad671d April 17, 2018, 4:50 p.m. No.1082724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2746 >>2823


See, this is a tipical shill post.

The stupid and moronish shill is trying to imply I'm a shill by using a pic of armenians, not making a single argument or providing anything with his post but an attemp at character assassination.

Lets analyse the posts this incompentent shill made in this bread until now:


Here the shill agrees with the concernfag shill in post: >>1082391 (this shill tries to sow fear by talking about POTUS getting impeached).


Here, ad hominem attack using a pic of armenians. No argument, no info, nothing but smear.


Same shit, different post. Notice all my pics in the post he is replying to are fully sourced and nothing but legitimate criticism to jew group behavior.


Another "armenian pic will surely work" post.


Says he knows POTUS, that he trusts the plan, but agrees that POTUS might get impeached? Not a very smart shill.


Another armenian pic with no argument or anything but smear.


Decides to thank the baker. It's nice, but still doesn't add anything of worth but noise to the bread.


Another "armenian trick pic", no arguments, no contributions but smear.


Accuses the anon that like myself regularly calls out shills of not contributing anything. Thing is, we do, and our contributions tend to be fully sourced and informational.


And his 11th post till now is another "armenian pic trick" post. Made in reply to an anon who says he doesn't need anyone to tell him what this board is about.


Now, watch how this sad piece of shit subversive kike shill will reply to this post, and the info on the pics I provide. Let his incompetence and STUPIDITY enlighten you to their kikery ways anons.

Thanks for reading.

Anonymous ID: ad671d April 17, 2018, 4:54 p.m. No.1082777   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yet, here you are, getting paid to dissuade people from coming here.

Why would your pedo bosses pay a idiot like you to try to turn anons away from Q and the board?

You're all coming down.

Good luck.

Anonymous ID: ad671d April 17, 2018, 4:58 p.m. No.1082848   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The same way they got an actor go to shoot up the pizza place of pedo James Alefantis.

Check these pics.

They are panicking.

We are winning anons.

Stay frosty, stay safe, keep fighting.

Anonymous ID: ad671d April 17, 2018, 5:09 p.m. No.1082992   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It has to do with Q research because Q research is about informing the people about the communist take over of the US in order to facilitate the installation of a global NWO and that communist take over is being prepared and being executed via mostly jews for the past decades.

Nice try thou, have fun in prison with Bubba when you get RICOed, you subversive kike piece of shit.