Anonymous ID: 2c7fad Sept. 28, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.10830492   🗄️.is 🔗kun


With all of the horrible evil things we know the Cabal does to children, I've been wanting to share the story of a man who did the exact opposite with his years on Earth. His name was Niels Lauersen. He was an immigrant to America from Denmark, with a level of ability and heart you'd hope all people would have. He was a well-known OB-GYN in NYC who delivered thousands of babies, many of whom were born to virtually infertile or high-risk mothers who often were given no chance or effort by other doctors. Can you imagine the abortions he prevented? All the happy families that resulted? Miracles!


Strangely enough, Dr. Niels fell into the orbit of Denise Rich (Marc Rich's ex) and inevitably Hillary Clinton. I don't know quite what happened there – he was a pretty colorful guy, to be sure. But I assume he crossed Hillary at some point when advising her on her healthcare plan in the 90s, because Bill's SDNY (Mary Jo White) came after him with some trumped-up insurance fraud charges and other nonsense. And wouldn't you know it, even after a mistrial, Bill wouldn't pardon him in 2000. But he pardoned Denise Rich's fugitive husband! Even sicker is who ultimately took care of Dr. Lauersen's retrial and appeals prosecution. You guessed it! James Comey, while at SDNY in the early 00s. The same James Comey who found no wrong-doing in Clinton's pardoning of Rich, the international arms dealer and likely Mossad spy.


So at the callous hands of the usual Cabal monsters, Dr. Niels didn't escape the system. He served out his time and had his medical license revoked still occasionally hung out with Denise Rich after that, for what reason I have no idea but what God had destined him for could hardly continue on as it had. He died 2 months ago, in NYC on July 14, under suspicious circumstances according to his son. I find it to be interesting timing. Yes, he was pretty old 84 but his past encounters just make me wonder if he didn't know something, if anons catch my drift.


Mr. President (or Dan)

Being a life-long New Yorker, you may remember Dr. Niels. Not sure how often you speak with Ivana anymore, but I believe she might attest to his character I know they were both in Denise Rich's social circle together. Geraldo would know his work too. So many children are alive and well today because of him no matter how seduced he was by elitist grandeur, whatever his mistakes, he made impossible life possible for women from all walks of life. His career was the antithesis of the Pedo Cabal. If you're able to consider it, if it makes sense to you, I think a posthumous pardon of Dr. Niels would be highly appropriate, even if just an extra symbolic bird-flip to the fucking Clintons, fucking Comey, and all else, considering all the families they personally tore apart themselves. I think many families and now-grown babies would appreciate the gesture, it serving as an affirmation of Life. I'd send a formal request letter, but the circumstances are maybe a bit too Q-ish for the pardon office to deal with directly kek? Dunno.


At any rate, frens, please say a prayer for Dr. Niels if you would. He'll be missed by those who know the Light he brought into this world. The kind we always need moar of, especially in these times.