Know well you are in a War Zone
Our enemies aim: To control your reactions with their flood of poisoned memes
Take control of thread creation [The crew writes our history]
Rape your mind into a fear-locked state [Stockholm syndrome "love" of the crews presence]
Become the "consensus" voice [The crew becomes your 'inner voice']
Convince you to sell your soul to satan [taking one more digital soldier off our battlefield]
They do this by jumping across >50 UID's per thread.
Their images and writing styles can't be hidden as easy though~
Pay attention to what gives them away.
Know our enemy needs you to love them, for their poisons to reach effective gains.
Shiv the fuckers heart out~
You're Free
satan commits adultery daily
That's a Golden Ticket
To Instant Divorce
It was over before it began mr.phig|ment phairyphail
Informed IDEN's of our enemy
Fresh Examples
>>10817520 (During CP posts)
(Flushedboi gets hurt. Flushedboi spams CP.)
It's an equation that has been run many times now.
sick fucks
Response by same ID, another CP post: >Who wants to explain what this schizo retard is on about?
"Tboi" confirmed.
>you got one right
He responded to his own post over 35 times
Happens to follow the same narrative of the "vote biden" bot.
This is Tboi 'turfing an opinion they want you to have.
>>10811360 (The "I'm afraid of the lords prayer" clown)
>>10811480 (Ben fulford clown)
>46e6e2 (Same ID! Now you know~)
Seems nice, prayer is great, but...
>Supports our enemies cat
Then they IDEN themselves and the gig is up~
They do like the attention they get on gets.
Sounds good, right? On our side?
Turns out he's toiletboi, with a new prefix for his files outside of Cupace_###
ID: 3cfbe3 (More than half the notables - stuffed the thread - same IDEN markers as 'T Boy')
ID: 517e3d
<Flooder of demoralizing news with similar picture sets as toilet boi
Thanks for exposing yourself sweetie~
>smell rotten fish infection embed
>Stops posting
>Red text flood starts
Next Thread, the marriage spam started.
This is a disgusting nazi trying to marry their sexually filled [by force] mask/personality to you.
> download_35_.jpeg
Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub).
>The World is Here.
>This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.
>Peace through strength.
Every single 'dirty' tactic being deployed to stop the growth of this movement.
Ask yourself a very simple Q - why?
"Anonymous" and ANTIFA have a very revealing exchange on Twitter:
>@YourAnonCentral Sep 17
>US Trump campaign trolls are pushing hard against Anonymous today. The troll farms seem on edge for some reason. Someone is paying for these social media attacks. @DonaldJTrumpJr, his financial movements, and his network need to be scrutinized.
> Official @XposeStormFront
>Us too, brothers. Mass combined ddos/infil traffic. We're actively spinning up over 100,000 chaff server instances per second on the Sorocloud.
3:58 AM [EST] Sep 18, 2020
So it looks like /ourguys/ are hitting our enemy hard AF~