So, anyone else get FINNISH subtitles when clicking on this link from Q today?
So, anyone else get FINNISH subtitles when clicking on this link from Q today?
4 minutes, Anon.
one way or another…the NAZI QAnon Death Cult is involved!
We all do, Anon…we all do.
Very good possibility…I like the way you think, Anon!
Palestinian orphan adopted by Christian family in US. Palestinian Orphan has identity issues and begins to dabble in Wicca Craft. Starts to believe she is a lesbian, then finds out that she is Palestinian; so tries to identify as a Muslim…marries a Muslim, then decides she is a Trans and gets her breasts removed and starts taking hormones and grows facial hair.
I can't believe what this GIRL has done to herself!
I knew her before she started to think she was a lesbian. It just seems once she started down that path of thinking only lead her deeper and deeper into a Satanic hole.
Pray for her, Anons!