Anonymous ID: 251eee Sept. 28, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.10831534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1573 >>1618 >>1665


>So, anyone else get FINNISH subtitles when clicking on this link from Q today?

I remember Greenland. Are we going to buy Finland next? Watch Finland, in the news next..




Who is she. First time seeing, curious..








Fucking nailed it anon!!! Chek'd. Skillz.

Now to do with post # vs. Time.

Also, shows Q-Team can hit very close to specific seconds, if desired (always saw as the team hitting within a range of maybe 10-15 seconds, so "around 30 second mark on the minute, or zero-hour on the minute, etc.)

Time stamps are important.

ty anon for the demonstration and game here.

Anonymous ID: 251eee Sept. 28, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.10831618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1623 >>1697



Anons have anything good to re-post?

Comfy with this ID, but no eternal breds.

251 - Prime number. eee - 555



>Nothing can stop what is coming.





>I am on her email list anon.

PLEASE tell anon how can subscribe? Sid's a cougar exraordinaire!



Oh fuck off! It's 'youz guyz' to us Philly boyz



Spelling chek'd



>The newfag is the one that doesn't realize all links were broken until this board was infested with absolute retards such as yourself.

Indeed, and Newfags can't TriForce…

Anonymous ID: 251eee Sept. 28, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.10831701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1729 >>1736


>post number vs. time wutttttt?

see your post:


>kek! and chck'D

for trip 2's. That would be example of hitting "post #'. Dubs, Trips, Quads, etc. ad infinitum.

Then, there's hitting a TimeStamp.

Pick any you like, from zero hour, to 4:20:00, to …

None of us can hit the ID's, exept the TORfags:


> 000000

Anonymous ID: 251eee Sept. 28, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.10831736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1744 >>1758


>None of us can hit the ID's, exept the TORfags:


>> 000000

Which is also a PRIME post, btw.

10831231 has no factors.

vs my post:


which has factors of:

3 * 809 * 4463 = 10831701

Hence, calling out the Cicada post, as 3301 is PRIME.



>(Youse) guys

Hello my faggot friend. Now whooze getting all chatty with a single-post. Luv ya no homo.

Anonymous ID: 251eee Sept. 28, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.10831803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1815


>Thanks anon. That makes a notable. Added.

Based Baker.


Srsly, wtf is up withOztonight?

Algo listening in???




Fun excercise, Search for

stoopid, stooopid, stoooopid, etc…..

Interdasting histogram results. Did many months ago, not sure still holds up.



>These fucktards cannot be THAT stupid. Just liars.

Typical spelling. Indeed, (they) are stoo0pid.

Hmm, st00pid. Just spitballing for history.


Nik'd, noice meme anon!



>This was their plan all along; shutting down the mid west distribution routes.

Noted. And tying up the trucks early on with the great TP shortage.

Anonymous ID: 251eee Sept. 28, 2020, 10:09 p.m. No.10831879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1881


>fuggg off china


Ain't clickin' that shit nigga'


>Shuddd upp


>nice hit nigger

Only worthwhile post of (40) get the fuck out of this bred, you complete and uddddder faggggot!



dialed you idjyit.


>Clown world, b




.. mebbe not a clown, but pure faggot nonetheless.


>why do i like boobs that move like that

'cause you're from China, and you don't got'em. Be happy with your job in your room, with a tiddly bit of free porn to peruse, arm to arm with your comrades…

Anonymous ID: 251eee Sept. 28, 2020, 10:23 p.m. No.10831951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1957


ty anon, new feed to follow:

Qohn Galt took me there.


>all of the keks


>Kek. Dozens of daily "coincidences" like that.

Adding to the addiction of it all…



>Plz gib shark milk mommy milkers

Kek, you masochistic fuck!


> Usually they just sit on a single key until the buffer fills and it starts beeping.

Guddd one!


Spoiler that shit, pleeze!!!



>kek guilty as charged

Night Shift do what Night Shift do.

>nightshift shitposting.

It's a thang. No guilt, but folding a shitpost within a shitpost seems moar propah.