evenin frens
Is there a live studio audience for the debate?
If so, how are they chosen?
evenin frens
Is there a live studio audience for the debate?
If so, how are they chosen?
I think Joe will try a walk out not long after it starts. Big scandal, 'Trump gave me no choice', 'this is what we are dealing with' etc etc
Biden gets a pass and the narrative is against POTUS
Who chose the location?
errr the anonymous post (11/1/2017) is early Q
side by side's are best
can a normal lawyer become US Attorney after only 2 years?
Seems like a fast setup to a position of influence.
nods understandingly
is it supposed to be in an Italian accent?
what are the odds nothing will happen?
in that case, doorknob, long scarf out the window, DJT on the ground saying "I'll catch you!"
quad 2's confirm 2 if by sea