Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:01 a.m. No.10832782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2785 >>2919 >>3011 >>3271 >>3432

Pompeo wraps up Greece visit with naval base tour


SOÚDA, GREECE (AFP) - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday (Sept 29) concludes a two-day visit to Greece with a tour of a strategically vital Nato base.


Mr Pompeo will visit the Souda facility in Crete with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on a trip aimed at easing tensions between Greece and Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean.


Washington has urged the Nato allies and neighbours, who have agreed to continue exploratory talks interrupted in 2016, to find "good solutions" to disputes exacerbated by energy exploration disagreements.


"We hope the exploratory talks not only get kicked off right, but it's important that they're resolved in a way that delivers outcomes that each of the two nations find more than acceptable," Mr Pompeo told Greek state agency ANA on Monday.


Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:13 a.m. No.10832823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2827 >>2836 >>2846 >>3099 >>3421 >>3462

8Chan founder says current site owner Jim Watkins behind QAnon – report

SEP 29, 2020 4:16 PM PHT





ABC News also reports Watkins had been living in the Philippines until leaving for the US on September 4, 2020

With the US presidential election on the horizon, the QAnon movement is seemingly once again picking up steam, prompting some social media companies to take action against anything related to the far-right conspiracy theory.


The likes of Twitter and Facebook have recently been cracking down on high-profile QAnon accounts in an effort to stop the movement’s baseless ideas from spreading on their respective platforms.


What is QAnon?


The idea of QAnon is built around a conspiracy theory that claims that there is a cabal of liberal elites from the government, Hollywood, and the media, among other sectors, who worship Satan, run an international sex-trafficking ring, and eat children for eternal youth.


On the other side of the ring is Donald Trump, who the theory claims will battle these elites and usher in what’s been referred to as “The Storm” resulting in the mass arrest of journalists, politicians, and other enemies of the movement.


QAnon’s supporters have since expanded upon these basic ideas, spilling over to other rightwing agendas, such as the anti-vaccine movement, for example.


Possible PH connection?


QAnon began when an anonymous user named “Q Clearance Patriot”, believed to be a military intelligence official, started posting messages on the forums site 4chan in late 2017.

The user would later do the same on 8chan – now rebranded as 8kun – a different message board site that’s notorious for posts related to extremism, hate speech, and other sensitive topics, and tied to the Christchurch and El Paso shootings in 2019.


These posts – or “Q drops” – are then interpreted by “Q influencers”, who interpret, archive, and disseminate the information to a wider, more mainstream audience on aggregator sites and later on popular social media platforms.


No one knows yet who “Q” exactly is and where he or she is operating from. Some speculations and reports believe that the posts are being authored by a group of people rather than an individual.


Estranged 8chan founder Fredrick Brennan, however, suggests that the mysterious user could be or at least has some connection to his former business partner, Jim Watkins, who supposedly resided in the Philippines in the past and is the operator of the site.


"If he's not 'Q' himself, he can find out who 'Q' is at any time," Brennan told ABC News.


"And he's pretty much the only person in the world that can have private contact with 'Q.' He's the only person that – through the board that 'Q' started on 8chan – can send 'Q' a direct message and get into private contact with basically the leader of this political cult that everybody wants to hear from right now."


Brennan created 8chan when he was living in New York in 2013. Just a year later, he moved to Manila to work with Jim Watkins. In 2015, he gave Watkins ownership of the controversial site, but continued to work with him until 2018. (READ: Rappler Talk: 8chan founder Fredrick Brennan on what has become of the internet)


Brennan, in multiple interviews, has denounced the site and other image board sites over the content published on there.


The two’s relationship broke down further when Watkins in late February filed a cyberlibel complaint against Brennan for calling him “senile” and “incompetent” in a Tweet. (READ: 8chan owner sues founder for cyber libel in the Philippines)


Brennan, who moved back to the US, has yet to face the indictment.


Brennan, as detailed in the ABC report, offered digital forensics that supposedly tie 8chan/8kun to a QAnon site, and another neo-Nazi site. Overall, it is still inconclusive.


Watkins’ whereabouts


The ABC report attempted to track where Jim Watkins is now, who has denied any direct association with “Q” and maintains that he’s never had any contact with the user.


Brennan thinks this is all a ploy, claiming that Watkins is profiting from the connections to “Q” by selling merchandise and cross-promoting QAnon influencers, who sell books and videos.

Watkins moved to Manila from the US in 2001 and has been living in the country since then, according to immigration records obtained by ABC News. However, he left the country for the US on September 4, 2020 following the Philippine Bureau of Immigration’s move to deem him an undesirable alien. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Watkins "is the owner and operator of 8chan, a hate-filled forum/website which hosts trolling and serves as a go-to resource for violent extremists and white supremacists," states the bureau’s charging sheet.


Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:19 a.m. No.10832835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2848 >>2889 >>2919 >>3011 >>3271 >>3432

Keep China out of US presidential election drama, Beijing tells

Trump, Biden

On the eve of the first US presidential candidate debate, Chinese state media says US politicians should stop dragging China into domestic issues

Trump and Biden have accused each other as being weak on China, both promising adversarial policies if elected

Kinling Lo

Published: 3:00pm, 29 Sep, 2020


With just hours to go until the first US presidential debate, China has warned American politicians not to use the “China problem [to] create drama”.

“It is already an expected plot that the US presidential election will create talks about a ‘China threat’ in order to emphasise the need to ‘protect US benefits’. It has been so since the Cold War ended,” said a commentary published by Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily on Tuesday.

“Some US politicians in office have shockingly expressed their hopes for clashes. They have put up a show to shift the focus and make conflicts [that the country faces] look like an external issue,” the commentary said without naming the administration of US President Donald Trump.

“This is not only unhelpful in solving the systemic risks that the US society is facing, but also creates destruction in the arena of international relations.”

The commentary was published before the first of three live debates between Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden is expected to take place.


Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:23 a.m. No.10832847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2919 >>3004 >>3011 >>3271 >>3432


by Jules Gomes • • September 28, 2020

Francis slams door on Cdl. Zen as Italian bishops back China


VATICAN CITY ( - Pope Francis, esteemed for his embrace of "human fraternity," has reportedly refused to meet U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo or dissident Chinese cardinal Joseph Zen a week before publishing his encyclical Fratelli Tutti (All Brothers).


Vatican Secretary of State Cdl. Pietro Parolin told U.S. diplomats that the pontiff was canceling his meeting with Pompeo because it might signal support for President Donald Trump's re-election campaign, La Repubblica reported Sunday.


Francis' snub is being seen as a rebuff to Pompeo's recent warning that "the Vatican endangers its moral authority" if it renews its secret deal with China — a concordat which authorizes the atheist communist regime to appoint bishops.


On Monday, the Italian bishops' newspaper Avvenire confirmed the pope's outrage at Pompeo's "interference," quoting Pompeo's words about the "Vatican endangering its moral authority."


Denouncing the Secretary of State as "Donald Trump's close collaborator," Avvenire insisted that despite the Vatican-China deal being secret, leaked information revealed that "the pope is given the final word on the appointment of bishops."


The bishops' media also attacked Pompeo's words as "not very diplomatic" and "in line with the hostility shown by the current American administration with respect to the historic rapprochement between China and the Holy See."


Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:28 a.m. No.10832873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2919 >>3011 >>3271 >>3432

Global partnership to make available 120 million affordable,

quality COVID-19 rapid tests for low- and middle-income


28 September 2020 News release


A full access package includes WHO policy guidance on the use of antigen-based rapid diagnostic tests, manufacturer volume guarantees for low and middle-income countries, catalytic funding to assist governments to deploy the tests and an initial US$50 million procurement fund

Several rapid, point-of-care antigen tests are being assessed by WHO for Emergency Use Listing (EUL)

Agreements between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and test manufacturers Abbott and SD Biosensor make available innovative tests priced at a maximum of US$5 for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)

The Global Fund commits an initial US$50 million to enable countries to purchase the new tests, with the first orders expected to be placed this week

Expedited market introduction of these tests in multiple LMICs is being supported through the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), Unitaid, FIND, CHAI, and their partners

This is the latest move from the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator to develop, procure and distribute critical new tools to fight the pandemic; new tests are urgently needed to meet the huge unmet needs for testing worldwide–and-middle-income-countries

Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:32 a.m. No.10832891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2938

Does this US military uniform suggest it is preparing for war

with China?

Island assault exercise off Californian coast uses badge depicting China on the uniforms

Chinese state media condemns implication of possible action in South China Sea

Kristin Huang

Published: 1:28pm, 29 Sep, 2020


The United States has staged a simulated island assault exercise featuring a red silhouette of China on air personnel’s uniforms, in what Chinese state media described as a provocative gesture.

The drill, to be completed on Tuesday, was being conducted in California, but triggered warnings from Chinese state media that China would fight back if the US attacked it in the South China Sea.

US-based Air Force magazine reported that the training by the US veteran drone fleet, which began on September 3, suggested that the US Air Force was focusing more on the Pacific region.

Patches on uniforms made for the exercise featured an MQ-9 Reaper drone superimposed over a red silhouette of China, the report said.


In the drill, Exercise Agile Reaper, three MQ-9s partnered with the US Navy’s Third Fleet, which deployed carrier strike groups, submarines and other vessels and aircraft to the eastern Pacific, along with transport aircraft C-130s, and special warfare and Marine Corps personnel.

The reapers performed air strikes during a mock amphibious assault on San Clemente Island off the Californian coast.

“It’s a demonstration of our capability to rapidly move the MQ-9 anywhere in the world, to unfamiliar locations, and then get out and show the operational reach capabilities of the MQ-9,” US 29th Attack Squadron Commander Lieutenant Colonel Brian Davis told the magazine.

MQ-9 Reapers have been used in wars in the Middle East and Africa for two decades, but the US Air Force has considered replacing them over fears that their stealth, electronic protection and speed capabilities were falling behind those of more advanced drones produced by China and Russia, according to Air Force.


Scared? kek

Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:49 a.m. No.10832955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3297 >>3338

Why Cardinal Pell Is Vindicated by Cardinal Becciu’s Firing

COMMENTARY: As Cardinal Pell arrives in Rome this week after three years in Australia, a look at the counterpoint between the cardinal’s return and Cardinal Becciu’s fall.


Father Raymond J. de Souza

September 29, 2020

An important, but not the primary, consequence of the stunning sacking of Cardinal Angelo Becciu is that it completes on the Vatican side what was accomplished by the Australian High Court in April, namely thecomplete vindication of Cardinal George Pell.


As Cardinal Pell arrives in Rome this week after three years in Australia, the counterpoint between the cardinal’s return and Cardinal Becciu’s fall is worthy of a novel.


“The Holy Father was elected to clean up Vatican finances … and is to be thanked and congratulated on recent developments,” Cardinal Pell stated in reference to his brother cardinal’s dismissal. “I hope the cleaning of the stables continues in both the Vatican and Victoria [Australia].”


While the firing of a Curial cardinal itself is unprecedented, it may also be the first time another cardinal has congratulated the Holy Father on doing so. But it’s perhaps not surprising, as Cardinal Becciu himself acknowledged that Cardinal Pell viewed him as corrupt, despite his protestations otherwise.


No reason was officially given for the “resignation,” but Cardinal Becciu himself confirmedthat he was asked to step down, while maintaining his innocence. Most reporting on the dismissal links itto Cardinal Becciu’s involvement in dubious property dealings when he was even more powerful than he recently was, serving as sostituto (chief deputy) in the Secretariat of State from 2011 to 2108. In that capacity he was involved in a failed London property deal that has become an international cause celebre for Vatican financial mismanagement, and there are allegations that in other dealing he diverted papal charitable funds to investments controlled by his family members.


However, Cardinal Becciu claims that he was fired — rather summarily, in fact — by Pope Francis over another matter, a transfer of Vatican charitable funds (100,000 euros) to a Catholic charity run by his brother. Cardinal Becciu maintains that all was above board and welcomes the investigation.


But Cardinal Becciu was not only sacked from his Curial post. Pope Francis also relieved him of the “rights associated with the Cardinalate,” meaning that he will not vote in a future conclave and may indeed disappear from public ministry. That almost certainly means that a crime — canonical or civil or both — was committed, though neither the Vatican nor Cardinal Becciu have indicated as such. Nor has any charge been made.


The removal of his cardinalatial rights may relate to a future prosecution. A cardinal is entitled only to be judged by the pope alone. That’s why, for example, the Archdiocese of New York had to be specifically authorized by Pope Francis to investigate former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Without his cardinalatial rights, Cardinal Becciu will be able to face any possible charges by Vatican magistrates in the normal fashion.


The congratulatory statement from Cardinal Pell — itself highly unusual — indicates the background to this dramatic development.


In 2014, Cardinal Pell was appointed prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, a sort of finance minister and treasurer for the Holy See. He immediately began sweeping reforms aimed at transparency and accountability, proper financial controls and external audits. Then-Archbishop Becciu, who saw the Holy Father daily as sostituto — the Pope’s chief of staff — and ran the daily affairs of the Secretariat of State, fought back fiercely.


A personal note: In April 2016, I was in Rome and dropped by the offices of Cardinal Pell for what had been scheduled to be a social call to a good friend. When I arrived, the cardinal and his staff were in a crisis meeting, having just received a letter from Archbishop Becciu canceling the external audit that was then underway, a centerpiece of Cardinal Pell’s reforms. The cardinal’s office had been entirely blindsided, but the prefect himself was serene. He knew of Archbishop Becciu’s opposition, but he was not overly worried, as the archbishop did not have the authority to cancel the audit. It was a clumsy attempt at obstructionism that would fail. Until it didn’t.



"complete vindication of Cardinal George Pell."

The drops do not agree with this assessment.

Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 3:22 a.m. No.10833076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3121 >>3271 >>3432

Why the QAnon conspiracy theory is gaining popularity

Guardian TV

29 Sep 2020 | 9:00 am

Link to Video:

Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 3:22 a.m. No.10833078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3104

America’s Global Reputation Isn’t Bouncing Back

Anytime Soon


SEPTEMBER 29, 2020


Qanon related snippet:

The world will continue to view the United States as a divided country.


Regardless of the precise election results in November, a significant portion of the American population will have voted for a demonstrably incompetent, racist sociopath. You can be forgiven for pulling the lever for an untested politician, the world may allow. But continuing to support someone with Trump’s dismal track record may not reflect well on Trump’s base or, frankly, the country as a whole.


Such a faction could maneuver itself back into power. They’ve taken over the Republican Party, and they’ve gone all in for Trump. Congress will soon have its first QAnon believer in Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Greene. Is a QAnon Caucus, promoting its conspiracy theory of Satan-worshipping pedophiles ruling the world, far behind?


Why trust such a country? Why invest in such a country? Why call such a country an ally?


Yes, of course, everyone knows that democracies can throw up unpredictable leaders every now and then. But outsiders may well conclude that Trump is so far outside the parameters of normal as to call into question the very democratic system in the United States.


Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 3:23 a.m. No.10833080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vatican Scandal's Trail to Credit Suisse

Tuesday, 29 September 2020 12:43


The long-running Vatican scandal has cost a cardinal his privileges. He is linked to ill-fated real estate investments through Credit Suisse.


The Vatican stripped Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu of all his privileges, meaning Pope Francis effectively forced out the 72-year-old cleric. While the Vatican was mum on the reasons, Swiss portal «» cited cronyism as the reason.


Becciu was mired in controversy for years for his links to opaque London real estate dealings on behalf of the Vatican. The series of deals, which enlisted an Italian businessman with maintaining the properties, cost the Holy See a three-digit million sum.


Alms for Deals?


At least some of the funds landed at Credit Suisse, according to various media reports. The funds for the property deals came from funds allegedly embezzled from the church. A former Credit Suisse banker was tasked with managing the funds.


The investment is under financial investigation. A spokeswoman for Credit Suisse told «» that the Swiss bank isn't subject to the Vatican's investigation, and is otherwise cooperating with authorities as far as it can. Becciu denied wrong-doing, in an interview with Italian outlet «Domani» (in Italian).

Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 4:34 a.m. No.10833297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3305




Is there something wrong with this one, Wakes?

Did you read the added Q drops?

The drops strongly suggest that I am right and that article is Fresh.

You know how some Anon's have been pushing these articles as if Pell is innocent?

I have been seeing quite a few over the last few days and it would seem in Anon's best interest if Q teams opinion i.e. the Drops were considered. Wouldn't you agree?

Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 4:45 a.m. No.10833338   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>this is yesterday's news. as a matter of fact i noted that pell was back to work months after. just keeping the archive legit.





yesterday 7pm


yesterday 9pm


yesterday 7pm


yesterday 11pm


yesterday 6pm


OMG its fresh!


alright alright getting fresher although really now, big fucking dealio kek


good one! the Flynn dig that I passed up because Yesterday kek


digging in the Flynn Honey, Instant gold here. rehash from yesterday


yesterday, scraping the pundit now


more yesterday Flynn


Alright! You caught another fresh one and this one is important, Point you!


5 pm yesterday Hard core!


wow no comment! kek I know this is not a notable


Now this one really matters! kek


Are you baitin' before work, Homie? kek


Yeah like this has not been going on for months now, hundreds of counties in multiple states. Its almost as if everything you touch is Gold. Midas!


Years ago yet this is year 3?

I bet I know you!



Oh look! Here is something Fresh and very important WITH Q drops to back it all up and NADA! kek

Nada just like yesterday when the story that Pell was back at the Vatican actually broke or according to you, Re Broke.


See how easy that was?

Now watch that happen day in and day out for several years and you know what is up. It's not like you have to really flex your mental muscle to figure this one out. It may even be subconscious yet patterns are patterns so you either believe in coincidences or you do not.


Anon's, you don't get Flak when you are above target. You don't hear a bunch of noise nor see a bunch of lights on and cars driving around, no. Not at all. When you are really above target it's all dark and quiet. They are in their bunkers and scared out of their fucking minds for what is about to happen next.

Bombs away!

Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 5:07 a.m. No.10833448   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yet not notable?

Fucking bizarro world again. Seems to happen every few months like with Q hit pieces. Q has to step in and make them "popular" again.

Like waves against a sea wall they crash and do fail.

Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 5:16 a.m. No.10833483   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I am getting this fuct up feeling that there will not be a debate tonight. Oh no, I want a debate, badly, yet I am getting this pukey feeling.

Something will prevent Biden from making it.

I would say it yet that might feed the beast . . .

Don't yell at me! kek

Anonymous ID: dbad89 Sept. 29, 2020, 5:26 a.m. No.10833533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

crazy thoughts based on sun tzu weak/strong

if the dems think POTUS is going to win, more of them will likely come out to vote

if Maga thinks POTUS will win, some of them will likely stay home

I think Poll flipping is counter intuitive yet POTUS will still win so carry on kek