Anonymous ID: b1e34b Sept. 29, 2020, 6:23 a.m. No.10833865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3952

Well that [HRC] video was an obvious call to activate ALL [sleeper cells].

"[We] have to (Leave it ALL on the field) this time."

It's ALL or NOTHING for [our] = [Insurrection].

"Call, text etc…"

Spread the word thru your [sleeper networks]. Comm & organize so you're ready.

"Remember Airports & Theaters."

[Sleeper cells] - Remember your assigned targets.


"Now let's go out and win this thing!"

Yes, [We] are really going to attempt a [coup].

Anonymous ID: b1e34b Sept. 29, 2020, 6:47 a.m. No.10834033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4052

>>10832797 (lb) (Notable) Brooklyn voters report mislabeled absentee ballots: ‘It’s a major problem’

New York State anons,

Here's some sauce.

Mail-In Ballot Errors - Where Does "The Buck" Stop? Gov? Printers? = Or Both?


(NYPost - Sep 28, 2020)

The city Board of Elections on Monday night acknowledged the matter, attributing it to “an outside vendor error.” They encouraged voters experiencing the problem to reach out, leading to comments from more Brooklyn voters who said they were sent the wrong ballot envelopes.

(Here is one (there are probably moar) of the NY State Official Ballot Printing Contractors)


Phoenix Graphics Inc.



Including quality trackable mail-in ballots


Phoenix Graphics is proud to be New York State’s largest ballot producer.

Quality paper ballots are in high demand, but together we’ve got this. We’ve been doing this efficiently for decades, producing high-volume orders with an assurance of security, accuracy, bar coding, and patented software.

Our newly trademarked ELECTrack system produces ballot at high speed with precise trackability. Safe, efficient, cost-effective, and easy.


Speed with Accuracy


Security and trackability — cameras at every turn!


Up to four inserts

Who is responsible for the mail-in ballot errors in NY State?

It's your RIGHT to know.