The idea of Snoops,
'oh don't worry, those are THIS years ballots'
so that means we had a tainted election 2 years ago?
their logic is insane.
The idea of Snoops,
'oh don't worry, those are THIS years ballots'
so that means we had a tainted election 2 years ago?
their logic is insane.
rags to riches and then riches to rags and then understanding that it's love that gets us there, and awareness, awakenment, and seeing the love of millions.
Beat it Brad!
if you did bad shit, you gotta pay the consequence.
but the love of anon is still going to be there for the more enlightened.
Get (spiritually and mentally) well soon!
but if you go to jail from shit you did . . . 40 million dollars . . .
then you'll still have people on the outside who care.
they are going to find it was someone else who stole it
or that nothing was actually stolen, but the accountants got it wrong.
Do you realize that if self-cursing is real, for what you do, that you are creating a whirlwind of horror for you later on; not just from the horrible porn, but from your desire to hurt people psychologically through the spurious use of operational messaging which can be useful for some purposes of learning, history, alphabet, etc; but using it like you do crosses the line to being a 'mind-slaver'.
If you are a slaver of mind, and that makes you on the wrong side of history.
It's not about the CP, asshole, it's about your intent and purpose in doing your methodical operational effort.
Now you know.
And so you are free to dig your hole to hell as far down as you want, through your every repetitive post. Or you can say 'huh, I'm really hurting people' and change. and become less of a horror.
Just delete it all.
Repetitive Operational Messageing for the purposes of mind-slaver mind-slaving
is very bad for your own personal dossier that Saint Peter (now you are talking nonsense) will have for you when you get to Perly gates.
(now whose crossed the line into the land of dark nonsense)
Pearly gates wouldn't be dark.
as an aside, in the realm of critec of my above part: the 'gate' implies a wall, doesn't it?
So a wall is thus a heavenly thing.
go buy your trinkets in Provance and put them in your pallace.
no one cares.
glass making is an ancient tradition, and red looks fun in the sunlight.
stop fame faging some hack glass-dribbler.
Amazon's idea for 'Alexis' and the other 'home compainion' devices were prototyped in the 1960's in a Pink Panther cartoon.
I'm not going to embed it, but give it alook-see.
a vote is held to prove the will of the people.
A stolen election does not change that.
the people will know who the real winner is and this time it's not going to be a 'sit back and let it go on thing' (observational commentary).
what the left does is only going to be mirrored if the electin is stolen but not in a way to hurt, but to heal.