Pasqual is under investigation for stealing $25-40 MILLION from Potus' re-election campaign and RNC and not a word of it in here?
You fucking frauds!
where the fuck is it?
Just looked at the last two breads, zero!
fucking anon in replies is asking me for sauce, asshat, and you're say a dozen times!
That's where the fucking fraud accusation comes from, dickwad!
Fucking a, anon.
Thought this was a straight up place, right or wrong.
Why in the fuck protect that asshole?!
What a bunch of fucking pussies!
You are a group of fucking fraudster pussies!
Hope it's just a Night Shift thing.
Nothing about Parscale?!
Karma is a fucking bitch when groups promote themselves as 'being the news now' while demonizing the msm for its own framing.
That Karma may show up in Uncle Joe quoting Aristotle, Adam Smith and Sun Tzu tonight instead of some depleted angry old fuck.
Qres died this morning.