Anonymous ID: fb5b99 Let us work together. Sept. 29, 2020, 6:40 a.m. No.10833981   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Surely all nations now should be praying, each as a whole. We see that #POTUS was taken hand in hand with God to pass the brazen gates and have the secret treasures unlocked. If you dont see that yet here are pictures of the takedown of the cabal.


Soldiers are dying underground, with night vision, fighting a kinetic war. Even now children are being saved here in America and I read that the tunnels in Europe are only 20% freed, and enormous extensive tunnels are still being found in Australia … . It is a kinetic war. And this war is going on now. Above ground also. Perhaps this kinetic war is partially the reason for tough lockdowns.


The QT Team has achieved many things. We see now that for thousands of years we have been ruled by people whose currency, world wide, wasn't, as we thought it was, silk nor gold nor silver but the blood and flesh of little children. World wide. That is why world leaders are now obeying.


This is a very critical time. It cannot be solved only by NSA's evidence and query "What is it about WE HAVE IT ALL that you dont understand?" forcing obedience. We must pray. Why ever should God show us, who torture skin and bleed little children, mercy? They are His children.


Let us work together.