Anonymous ID: 0858f8 Sept. 29, 2020, 9:51 a.m. No.10836079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6110 >>6162 >>6579











How's this for an out-of-the-box idea anons:

1)Trump and Biden both agree to earpieces tonight.

2)Trump and Biden both agree to breaks every thirty minutes tonight.

3)hacker 4chan haxxors the entire debate to feed Trump and Biden their lines.

4)lines include asking chris wallace about his pedophilia, asking joe scarborough about lori klausitis, redpills about judeobolsheviks slaughtering 66million christians in 20th century alone.

5)trump is golden as he shows mercy to joe, joe's mind is blown by epiphanies about hidden history, panel of journalists shit themselves on live tv, chuck grassley has material for history channel, etc


Joe biden is not the enemy of the people.

The media is the enemy of the people.




