facebook closed an account I was using to garage sale stuff out of here.
I never post political to that account.
SO their spying is what got my account shut down
facebook closed an account I was using to garage sale stuff out of here.
I never post political to that account.
SO their spying is what got my account shut down
I need a dumb phone because I dont have that shit on my cell phone
My 88 YOP father is moving and I am unemployed due to outsourcing and no one hires over 58s.
I need to clean this place out and get money for it not just an expense of hauling it all away.
Guess it's craigs list for me because I an not good enough with a phone to use selling apps and I dont want to use selling aps.
SO facebook decided to shut down my account and have me enter codes and put in a photo all WHILE THEY have no one to review if for fuckkign covid. I am ready to just burn it all to the ground at this point.
U was trying to sell an American made antique chair…..