ID: 01411e Sept. 29, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.10837398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The words, numbers and images we share are common property; they make us what we are. If we circulate true, low error information among us we improve the quality of our thought and of life. If we circulate errors, we adversely affect it.


Decades of accumulated lies deliberately injected into our news, ‘entertainment’ educational systems have degraded our cognitive capacity, constrained our ability to communicate with one another, and dramatically dis-improved our common experience of life.

Deliberately, covertly used against a civilian population Information Poisoning is a war crime. Information Poisoning makes us dumb, emotional, inclined to violence and suspicious of each other’s motives and intent.


Information is what our minds run on. What we want is the purest, lowest error, circulating information possible. Communications networks are utilities, not ad agencies, like Google and Facebook; those companies have a vested interest in controlling how users think, act and feel, because that’s how consumer purchasing behavior is controlled.


The right to reality. The right not to be deceived, coupled with the responsibility to do everything we can to avoid deceiving others.


Anyone who deliberately introduces false information into a network commits a crime against every user of that network.



ID: 01411e Sept. 29, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.10837828   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Remember he in 2013 said he wasn't going to build a 'battery factory" but a universal factory, ie a computationally reconfigurable plant that manufacture any product - including copies of itself. Ie the philosopher's stone.


No idea if Elon was serious he is a Martian or the heir


what surprised anon was not the boldness of his claim but the fact that the media shills didn't know what it implied and let the story die.


MSM's genocidal Information Poisoning psyops are not just about creating and circulating psychotoxic media content - MSMs other objective is keeping good true and important news out.