jUsTiCe Is CoMiNg! SoOn! PaIn! BoOm! SoOn! Kek. What a crock of shit.
Nah, they'll be tracking 5 & 6 year deltas…still saying "Soon"
Of course not. But it'll be dismissed, because "DiSiNfO iS nEceSsAry"…and like magic, everything is okay.
jUsTiCe Is CoMiNg! SoOn! PaIn! BoOm! SoOn! Kek. What a crock of shit.
Nah, they'll be tracking 5 & 6 year deltas…still saying "Soon"
Of course not. But it'll be dismissed, because "DiSiNfO iS nEceSsAry"…and like magic, everything is okay.