We need to be careful with the "rigged election" talk because certain people who are not regular voters who maybe on the fence over certain issues will just not vote in 2020 because "its all rigged" and wont matter anyway.
Comped sauce.
Its called the First Amendment! It doesnt go away because you are President!
He will either be made or rekt tonight.
Short of Biden collapsing on stage they will claim Biden won. Trump needs to create a half dozen viral moments.
Send them to me. I dont mind voting in multiple states this time. Its 2020, why the hell not at this point.
Yes please.
Oops, wrong clip.
This is MASSIVELY unsafe for infants! Huge SIDS risk!
Show me where Q said it would be dropped today?
We love you Flynn.
Big day so far!
Had to read that letter 3 times! Couldn't believe what I was actually seeing!
What does it mean "approval of"? As sec of state she approved it? Like, as an official govt employee she approved it?!