Could you tell us how a seeker could get in touch with their higher self to ask it questions about our life’s mission in this incarnation?
Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The higher self is a portion of your being which stands ready to provide you with information and inspiration as a result of your heart-felt asking in what you may call the meditative state, or within the dream state, whichever has more accessibility to you. It is a type of communication that is oftentimes engaged within to provide the kind of guidance that is at present eluding the seeker of truth, and has considerable meaning in the life path, so that the qualities of faith and will come into play in this regard.
If, in the meditative state, for example, you can ask for the assistance of your higher self, listing the quality that you are seeking to be illuminated upon as a function of opening your heart more and more fully in unconditional love for those about you. Thus, the faith aspect, then, becomes significant in that in the asking for assistance from your higher self, then, provide a bridge to your higher self through the faith that such is possible, and is likened unto your birthright, shall we say. Then, with the power of your will and your faith acting together, construct that bridge from your own heart to your higher self symbolically, so that this pathway may be a two-way communication.
If you are able to accomplish this visualization within your meditative state, there is every possibility that your higher self will feel the power of your will, your faith, and your need to be directed in a certain fashion upon your spiritual path.