Anonymous ID: 07ab66 April 17, 2018, 6:22 p.m. No.1083936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4121 >>4153 >>4205

>>1083453 (prev bread)


We are fighting their messaging. If we prepare for it we are ready to get ahead of it. This is information warfare re: messaging to the normies. If/when SHTF that's who will be rioting in the streets and that's who we need to reach so they are rioting for the right side. Q said early on that there would be rioting and we have felt like our work will stop it from getting to that point but recently I came to the conclusion that's not the case. (Ex. When king nigger is hauled in front of a military tribunal) Right now we are spreading our reach and message most likely shoring up our numbers but it's very likely we will still have a real physical standoff in the near future. Think of all the references to the revolutionary/civil war. When they started it wasn't a cordial "ok guys let's begin fighting on Tuesday" sort of thing; things just finally broke out. We have the advantage of foresight but that doesn't mean we can avoid it fully. At any point things can finally break out. Till then we have to actually prepare as well as continue to convince the masses that we are "on the right side of history".


The messaging is the key. Q always says to gather the proofs - OFFLINE. Keeps the maps updated and air-gapped. Continue to spread the messages while we still have technology available. Try not to sound like lunatics. AND have a SHTF plan so we can physically support the confused if it gets real.