Anonymous ID: 2300e6 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.10839698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9896


and @GovernorTomWolf

caught on a hot mic referring to masks as “political theatre” that they want to get “on camera”.


We already knew that, but thank you for the confirmation!

Anonymous ID: 2300e6 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.10839745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Horowitz: Tennessee data exposes the lie of coronavirus panic & masks




Tennessee has been in the news lately because the Nashville mayor was caught fudging data to keep businesses in the state's capital closed for longer than necessary. The outrage triggered by the story caused the mayor to relent and ease some of the restrictions. But new data compiled by Nashville for Rational COVID Policy shows that the entire premise of lockdown and mask-wearing is unfounded because the scope of the threat of the virus, as well as the effectiveness of the responses to it, are exaggerated.


Daniel Horowitz


Tennessee has been in the news lately because the Nashville mayor was caught fudging data to keep businesses in the state's capital closed for longer than necessary. The outrage triggered by the story caused the mayor to relent and ease some of the restrictions. But new data compiled by Nashville for Rational COVID Policy shows that the entire premise of lockdown and mask-wearing is unfounded because the scope of the threat of the virus, as well as the effectiveness of the responses to it, are exaggerated.


POLL: Who will win tonight's debate?


Josh Stevenson, a co-founder of Nashville for Rational COVID Policy, sent me a presentation that he shared with Tennessee lawmakers, showing how unremarkable the excess deaths have been in his state and how many of them, particularly among young people, are almost certainly due to the mental health crisis induced by the gratuitous panic. This is a pattern I've noticed in the CDC excess death data from most states outside the northeast.


Stevenson, who is a computer systems engineer and data analyst, began his presentation with this 5-year line graph of all-cause deaths in Tennessee.


As you can see, the above-baseline increase in all-cause deaths in Tennessee is quite unremarkable and in fact doesn't really stand out as much of an epidemic, much less one that caused such an irrational and draconian degree of panic. The trend line for this year, April 1-August 31, is only slightly higher than the existing upward trajectory from annual population growth. And of course, there hasn't been any week that has come close to the magnitude of the worst days of the 2018 flu season – yes, the epidemic that you never heard of and that never disrupted our lives, even though there were more weekly excess deaths back then than today in many states.


What is truly shocking is that the most excess deaths detected in Tennessee are among younger people, which means it's not from COVID-19, but likely from the response to it! For example, even though 31% of deaths were above the age of 81, it barely registers on an excess death chart.

Anonymous ID: 2300e6 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.10839769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9908 >>0040 >>0255 >>0365

McMaster: Strategic competitors probably view the US as ‘weak’


Strategic adversaries of the U.S. likely view the country as “weak,” according to former White House National Security Adviser and retired Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster.


“I think they view us as weak at the moment, right? Because they see us in the midst of now, today especially, a triple-crisis,” McMaster said during a Washington Post virtual event on Tuesday. “A crisis of the pandemic, a recession associated with the pandemic, and the social divisions laid bare by the murder of George Floyd…and then this vitriolitc partisan discourse where we’re at each other’s throats.”


In particular, McMaster said China is inclined to view the U.S. through such a lens, noting that Chinese President Xi Jinping is likely surrounded by those feeding him information he wants to hear.


“I think what he’s hearing is ‘Hey, you’re on top, you’re winning. Look how weak they are. We’re emerging, we’re first out of this pandemic economically. Now is the time to act.’ And you see that with this very aggressive action on the part of the Chinese Communist Party,” McMaster said.


Specifically, he pointed to increased aggression from China in the South China Sea, and actions China has taken aimed at Taiwan.


McMaster’s comments come as he is promoting his new book, “Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World” that was released this month. The book examines U.S. foreign policy and ways the U.S. can better safeguard itself against threats, according to HarperCollins. Likewise, it chronicles his time serving in the Army and the White House.


As a result, McMaster addressed a series of national security and foreign policy issues facing the U.S. at the moment during his interview with the Washington Post.


For example, and argued that the U.S. has “set up the Afghan government for more difficulty” by trying to work with the Taliban. That’s why he’s not optimistic about ongoing peace negotiations between the Taliban and Afghan government in Doha, Qatar that launched this month.

Anonymous ID: 2300e6 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.10839789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0022 >>0040 >>0255 >>0365

Latest Document Dump by DNI Ratcliffe Shows Hillary Camp Likely Hatched Plot on Russia TWO WEEKS AFTER SETH RICH MURDER AND 4 DAYS AFTER WIKILEAKS RELEASE


As Cristina Laila reported earlier — Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified a Russian intel assessment in which he asserted that Hillary Clinton may have hatched the Russia hoax in order to pin the DNC hacking on President Trump.


“In late July 2016, US intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against US Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the DNC. The IC does not know the accuracy of this allegation of the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggerations or fabrication,” Ratcliffe wrote to Lindsey Graham.


The Obama-Biden White House was briefed on it by then-CIA Director John Brennan.


“According to his handwritten notes, former CIA Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal and claiming interference by Russian security services.”


Now this…

According to the timeline on the death of DNC tech staffer Seth Rich:


July 10, 2016: DNC tech staffer Seth Rich, 27, is killed on a DC street after being shot twice in the back in the early hours of the morning. DC police say he is the victim of a botched robbery and offer $25,000 to help catch his killer.


July 22, 2016: Thousands of DNC emails released by WikiLeaks – a damaging blow to the Democrats’ presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.


Now from today’s release — July 26, 2016: Hillary Clinton gives alleged approval to senior Obama security officials on her proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal and claiming interference by Russian security services.


Here are a few previous reports on the Seth Rich case from the past year.

We have been reporting on this since 2016.

Anonymous ID: 2300e6 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.10839963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0255 >>0365

Trump's Anti-Trust "Cop" Targets Wall Street's Data Pricing In Blow To Exchanges


Until now, practically all of the leaks about the anti-trust group gestating inside the DoJ and FTC have focused on big tech. But in an unexpected pivot, Bloomberg just reported that regulators are investigating the different data pricing packages sold by the exchanges to wire services like Bloomberg - along with High Frequency Traders who use the data to employ HFT strategies that rack up steady profits by inserting the "market makers" in between more trades.


Makan Delrahim, who heads the Justice Department’s antitrust division, said in an interview that he’s paying close attention to the data that securities exchanges sell to banks and investment companies. Market participants have long complained that the prices they pay to acquire the data they depend on to trade are too steep.


Delrahim said that one area of potential concern is whether the exchanges are using market power to hurt competition, for example by forcing investors to buy other products or services in addition to the data feeds, a practice known as tying. He declined to comment on whether the division has opened a formal investigation related to the data feeds.


Bloomberg reported that Bloomberg News (one of the subsidiaries of Bloomberg LP) is among the companies that have contested increases in pricing for the different packages offered by the exchanges.


In recent years, the business models of the world's financial exchanges, which facilitate trading in financial markets from stocks to commodity futures, has pivoted to rely more on these lucrative data subscriptions, and less on the actual trading fees, which have been squeezed by years of consolidation and intensifying competition. And in a world where every nanosecond of frontrunning the orderflow data latency matters, exchanges can charge an arm and a leg, and there will always be a highest HFT bidder willing to pay the price if it means guaranteed and legal "information arbitrage."


The financial market data peddled by these exchanges provides the world with the view of the financial markets reflected everywhere from CNBC to Google Finance to the Bloomberg terminals and Reuters Eikon platforms used by financial professionals. Of course, different pricing arrangements provide different data with varying levels of delay.

Anonymous ID: 2300e6 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.10840031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0043 >>0087

‘Racist’: Population control group uses black baby in overpopulation billboard


OnePlanetOneChild stated in text beneath the image of the black child that the ‘most loving gift you can give your first child is to not have another’


VANCOUVER, British Columbia, September 28, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A billboard ad by a population control group uses an image of a black child to advocate for one child per family and is accompanied by the following words: “The most loving gift you can give your first child is to not have another.”


The ad by recently appeared in Vancouver, British Columbia. The wording of the ad appears to twist in the opposite direction a saying commonly attributed to Saint John Paul II: “The greatest gift you can give your child is another sibling.”


A leading black pro-life activist blasted the billboard as “the only acceptable form of racism today.”


“This [is] an ad by OnePlanetOneChild campaign in Vancouver…take a good look at it, notice the black baby they’ve chosen to use for their population control messaging. This is perhaps the only acceptable form of racism today,” wrote pro-life activist Obianuju Ekeocha on her Twitter page Friday.


This an ad by OnePlanetOneChild campaign in Vancouver…take a good look at it, notice the black baby they’ve chosen to use for their population control messaging.


Ekeocha is the founder and president of Culture of Life Africa and also created the documentary Strings Attached. She is also the author of the book Target Africa: Ideological Neo-colonialism of the Twenty-First Century. In February, she blasted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau saying that he is “not a friend to Africa” for his pro-abortion views after he toured the continent in a failed bid for a United Nations Security Council seat.


The anti-family and anti-life OnePlanetOneChild ad was placed by the leftist and environmentally charged Minnesota based non-profit World Population Balance, who run OnePlanetOneChild. World Population Balance’s Executive Director Dave Gardner said in a press release about the campaign that they want Canadians “talking” about “smaller families.”

Anonymous ID: 2300e6 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.10840049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0255 >>0365

“Vertical Forest” Apartment Complex in China Transforms Into Mosquito-plagued Jungle Hell


The problem of improving air quality in heavily-polluted cities across the world is one of the big challenges faced by urban planners, especially in the 21st century as greenhouse gas emissions climb and temperatures increase across the world (highly debatable – Ed.).


However, a pioneering effort to transform high-rise apartment buildings into a lush “vertical forest” has transformed what was meant to be a green paradise into something more like a green hell teeming with some of the most irritating and obnoxious insects known to mankind.


Residents at the experimental green Qiyi City Forest Garden housing complex in Chengdu, China, were hoping for a respite from the concrete jungle by moving into the manicured green space of the vertical forest.


The developer quickly managed to sell all 826 apartment earlier this year, but the ultramodern eight-tower complex touted as an “eco-paradise” now resembles a post-apocalyptic jungle nightmare – complete with incessant swarms of mosquitoes buzzing and nibbling away at residents’ health and sanity.


Because of this monstrous turn of events, only a small number of families have decided to brave the bug infestation and move into the complex. So far, 20 families have moved into the sprawling complex, as is clear from the pruned plants and outdoor furniture that adorns several balconies, along with the lights switched on inside the units.


But with plants sprawling between neglected balconies and branches twisting across the railings of towers and merging into one another, the 2018 development is quickly reverting to the primordial nature of the forest.


The idea of vertical forests was a concept developed by Italian architect Stefano Boeri, who designed the stunning vertical garden Bosco Verticale in Milan in 2014 before bringing the concept to polluted cities across the world, from Albania to Egypt and the Netherlands.


The general idea is to balance mother nature and biodiversity with the needs of the urban population by covering the buildings in balconies planted with species appropriate to local climate conditions, while maintaining a variety of heights and blooming seasons so that the buildings remain aesthetically pleasing year-round.


Plants on all levels of the building also provide natural shading and an improvement to residents’ air quality. The plants would also contribute to the ecological balance of the surrounding urban center, absorbing several tons of carbon dioxide while contributing even more oxygen annually.

Anonymous ID: 2300e6 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:31 p.m. No.10840099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0128 >>0255 >>0365

Westpac Bank fined $400 million for aiding and abetting paedophiles and another $900 million for money laundering


Westpac has agreed to a fine of $1.3bn for money laundering and aiding and abetting paedophiles. The amount is $400m more than the $900m Westpac previously believed it would have to pay and it seems to have increased by the $400m after the number of paedophile customers they admitted to increased from 12 to 262.


The Guardian reported:


Westpac has agreed to pay a record penalty of $1.3bn to settle legal action over money laundering and child exploitation allegations levelled against it by the financial intelligence agency, Austrac.


The $1.3bn figure is $400m more than the $900m the bank had previously set aside as an estimate of the penalty it would have to pay and comes after the bank said an additional 250 customers made transactions consistent with child exploitation – a dramatic increase on the 12 over which the regulator originally took action.


In a further concession to Austrac, Westpac has also agreed to additional contraventions of anti-money laundering and counter-terror finance laws, the company told the stock exchange on Thursday. (Click here to read more)


People who aid and abet the sexual abuse of children are charged with criminal offences except for bankers it seems. The fact there are no criminal charges against Westpac is scandalous and undermines the federal government’s claims they are tough on paedophiles.


Westpac issued a 93-page statement to the Australian Stock Exchange which started off as per below:


I’m don’t think Westpac broke down how much of the fine was due to them aiding and abetting paedophiles but the $1.4 billion agreed fine still needs the approval of the court so maybe more details will come out later.


Westpac’s still has massive problems overseas with numerous class actions. It was reported in February 2020:


Australia’s No.2 lender Westpac Banking Corp was hit with yet another U.S. class-action lawsuit in less than a week this month, again, related to financial crime monitoring gaps identified amid a broader money laundering scandal – bringing the grand total of legal probes to more than a half-dozen.


Australia’s financial crime watchdog, Austrac, sued Westpac in November for 23 million alleged breaches of anti-money laundering (AML) laws, including payments between known child exploiters.


The latest suit, filed by investor rights law firm Bernstein Liebhard in a U.S. court, comes just days after six U.S.-based law firms announced similar class-action lawsuits against the lender.


Westpac in statements had cautioned that similar suits may follow while responding to New York-based Rosen Law Firm’s suit. (Click here to read more)


US courts are well known for awarding huge amounts so Westpac could be in a lot of trouble with their admissions in relation to the $1.3bn fine setting a benchmark.


It is worth remembering the article I published on Westpac in May 2014 titled “Westpac CEO Gail Kelly knowingly conceals fraud at the bank court documents and emails show“. Not much has changed since then.


I missed the Westpac story last week as I was busy finishing my new book “Australia’s Paedophile Protection Racket” and right on cue Westpac are busted for doing just that.


Given this article is about paedophile protection it’s worth noting that the Catholic News Agency website is reporting that Cardinal George Pell will be on a plane on Tuesday the 29th of September 2020 on his way back to Rome. Whether he will live at the Vatican again is unknown. (Click here to read more)


Pell was too sick to fly to give evidence for a second time at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse so the Royal Commission had to go to Rome but he can fly now. One can only assume the Pope doesn’t care about the Royal Commission finding Pell protected paedophiles and perjured himself under oath. And given media reports that Pell is under investigation for other child sex crimes what happens if the police charge him again? Will he come back from Rome? I think that will be the last we’ll see of Pell in Australia.

Anonymous ID: 2300e6 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:35 p.m. No.10840152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0214

(You) are the temple of GOD


The God consciousness resides in all of us.


We are different manifestations of the same consciousness having a physical experience.


Connect with the most high.