Anonymous ID: b1957e Sept. 29, 2020, 1:15 p.m. No.10839864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0085

What did Trump do? Improved the economy. More blacks working. More women working. Reduced red tape hindering business. Was tough on the idea that the American taxpayer would no longer bankroll NATO, UN, China, Canada etc (through shoddy unequal trade deals)

He said no more needless wars but was still extremely tough on targeted enemies.

He wanted to Make America Great Again (which meant again, the American tax payer, the American voter - damned for suggesting it).

He said it was his duty to see to America's needs first. It wasn't a personal desire or a wish, it was his obligation in taking the oath and becoming President.

And for all that, what did he receive? HATE. Irrational steaming, crazy hate. Universal bad press - Globally, coordinated; extending out to his wife who is simply guilty by association of marriage.

And now we have not so clouded threats that win or lose, he won't be allowed a second term.

Who would have believed the last four years of absolute insanity before it happened?


It has to stop. Central players must face the law. The planned and manipulated insanity has to stop with the incarceration of the instigators - American or otherwise.

I am not American… and I still say decent Americans can't let another four years of insanity be inflicted on them. The people have to retake control of the nuthouse.

Anonymous ID: b1957e Sept. 29, 2020, 1:34 p.m. No.10840133   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A pardon is a virtual white flag. It would be chewed on greatfully by Trump's enemies.


Is Flynn guilty? If not, keep fighting. Exoneration rather than pardon.

Anonymous ID: b1957e Sept. 29, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.10840383   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Didn't mean to infer violence in the slightest. I meant that Americans now see that every political post, job, career adds up and up and up until you get to the now. When I say 'political' I mean power. From parents committees to coaches of kids football teams, to local councils, to charities, Every little power base position has been infiltrated and is then used to populate the next level of power, and that generates a power base to hunt down the next level.

I think Conservatives see things as disjointed. A parent's committee is simply a parent's committee. But it isn't. It's a valued stepping stone to greater influence….. and Progressives see these small units as feeding the bigger ambitions at National level and International level.


So I guess I'm saying turn up and vote - for everything. And better still, nominate yourselves for these roles that might be tiny but are craved by the activists who see their real cumulative power.