Anonymous ID: e8e185 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.10839839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9904 >>0027

>>10839080 PB

What is your sense of the 5 Booms going on right now.

Was listening to the Flynn hearing.


Now.... even more intieresting is the live feed AMA being done by Colonel Richard Black explaining the coup by US military Generals, WHY Flynn was a threat with the dead body knowledge, and what Americans should get ready for. VERY GOOD LIVE STREAM. Lots of answers on Flynn, and internal workings of certain military personell.

He respects Binney.

There are apparently Binney AMA's also.


I hope they upload this whole discussion so we can archive and notable. MAN this Colonel really is hitting it out of the park.... wow.


Cant embed live AMA vid

Anonymous ID: e8e185 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:18 p.m. No.10839904   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Coup AMA

What people could do to counter the coup.

He said he honestly does not know if there are foreign governments involved in the coup.


Prior Generals putting their coup plans in writing, apparently, so he is pointing this out. It is not just a rumor.

Luke Foster Midda? apparently British magazine of some kind.

They are complaining about the US gun control laws and how this is a problem, in the Coup article.


Colonel Black is pointing out that the 2A was not done for hunters, but, for what is happening now exactly.

Anonymous ID: e8e185 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.10840027   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Colonel Richard Black speaks out on coup against Trump in AMA!


He does not want to blow this out of proportion, but, says that the more Americans that KNOW about the rumblings calling for a coup on the president, the more likely that the coup can be shut down.

Comments on sensorship.

Comments on the coup generals seeing the 2A as a problem, and how it is hard to have a coup with an armed population.

Comments on who controls the media.

He knows there are major figures in the nation who are working on destabilizing the United states.

Mentions George Soros paying people to riot.


Woman asked what the average American can do, store food, ammo, get ready for street protest?

He said it would be wise to do all three, and hope that two years from now, we look back on this, and nothing of a coup has happened.


He did want to let the rank and file know that any call for a coup was unconsitutional, and that we have three branches that have a Constitutional way of dealing with the problems.


What role do intelligence agencies play.


He does believe the intelligence agencies are a big part of the problem.


He said the depth of corruption we have witnessed in the FBI is stunning. Certainly there is corruption in the CIA, and this is clear.

He mentions Brennan bringing in Jihadist people.

He said we should be very concerned about the intelligence agencies.

Anonymous ID: e8e185 Sept. 29, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.10840174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Teachers, and Professors are making themselves enemies of the people and the Constitution with their communist shit.


This situation gets bad?

Many will be hunting down local teachers, principals, and school boards to take their schools and communities back.


And this is a scary thought, but, remember, the teachers are dealing with the children of parents, and the parental instinct will move rapidly if they think the children are in danger of being brainwashed, will fail to get an education, or worse…. being taught to turn parents in for doing things parents traditionally do.


This is rapidly becoming a fight over who's the parent of the children. The government, the teachers, or the parents.

Guarantee the parents will win, because parents will actually fight to the death.

They did not report it, but, at Columbine shooting, the parents left work, got guns, and showed up at the school. The police could not hold them back out of the school. I got this report straight from my kids school principal, when I asked if they were going to do lock downs at this private school, should there be a shooter. He said they learned that trying to stop parents from rescuing kids was futile.


Parents are already highly irritated with the reports of child sex trafficking, attempts to normalize pedophiles in the news.


I do hope this election is decided quickly without fraud.