Anonymous ID: 719a77 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.10840675   🗄️.is 🔗kun

lb >>10840360

proceed with dispatch

think it means will dismiss case.

the en banc panel at circuit court in ruling stated they expected sullivan with to proceed with dispatch.

he still let gleeson testify, but that was on the docket prior to MF appeal to circuit panel who granted the wirt of mandamus, the panel i believe ordered sullivan to cxl the gleeson testimony and move to rule on the dismissal motion.

so the en banc appeal overruling the panel, allowed sullivan to save face, for gleeson to appear and testify but by adding their expectation to move to dispatch it gave sullivan the hint that if he allowed gleeson any additional motions for discovery or testimony from anyone (DOJ, prosecutors, even potus) there would be a problem, meaning if he did that (which was the original plan likely) then they would hear powells appeal of it and prolly order dismissal, or remove him from the case.


ya never know if he will hear any other motions snuck in by gleeson, apparently powell and doj were solid and recent declass was a strong card to play (thanks Q, Barr and Potus) so prolly no wiggle room for sullivan to pretend it is in public interest to hear gleeson anymore.

for [Them] it is all a p.r. game of narrative, they as we have seen make up rules as they go, but need some level of public support to prevent an outcry, AND patriots and anons have countered their narrative, that is why we are Here!

[Information Warfare]


had Barr/DOJ not been as forceful, and had the docs not been declassed this likely would have gone on.

according to technog re. sullivan statement, Q was right on done in 30.

sullivan may dismiss tomorrow.

not a lawfag here, but i feel like one after following case.


Anonymous ID: 719a77 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:18 p.m. No.10840780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0810 >>0831


Undercover Huber thread: Flynn


From the Flynn hearing - the most senior DOJ career official in DC attorney office Kenneth Kohl just wrecked - and I mean obliterated, ground into dust, nuked - the potential for any prosecution of Flynn by the government


He points out there was doubt even within FBI whether Flynn lied (by the agents+Comey), that at any trial the witnesses (STRZOK etc) would be tainted, quotes the “insurance policy”(!) and the evidence Flynn was to “get Trump” - DOJ simply can’t prosecute beyond a reasonable doubt


In response to this on the record testimony from the most senior career official, Judge Sullivan goes down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories about whether AG Barr or POTUS are in secret communication with Sidney Powell


So this is going well….

Man facepalming

Anonymous ID: 719a77 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:23 p.m. No.10840868   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Sullivan should cry moar. He is not a dictator. Not now not ever. He's (Sullivan) doomed.

great, he truly deserves it for what is judicial corruption!


we do not need war, but if it is unavoidable, i would be in favor of delta taking out the top 100 corrupt people as a start. he is on the list.

Anonymous ID: 719a77 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:30 p.m. No.10840962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I’m sure there’s new questions to be asked now since it’s declassified!


yeah yeah yeah.

Will he plead the fifth?

Have lawyers there and say:

at the advice of my legal advisors i cannot answer that question, i do not recall????


I think he is boxed in.

Thinking MSM will have a FF to cover unfortunately.