Anonymous ID: b3b59a Sept. 29, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.10840492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0565 >>0818 >>1045 >>1146

Media Gunning For Scott Atlas Because He Keeps Exposing Coronavirus Lies


'Everything he says is false,' NBC News quoted CDC Director Robert Redfield as saying of Atlas. That's just not true, top epidemiologists told The Federalist.


“Dr. Scott Atlas is arming Trump with misleading data” about COVID-19, Centers for Disease Control Director Dr. Robert Redfield told a colleague Friday, according to a Monday report by NBC News political reporter Monica Alba.


Within hours, numerous outlets ideologically allied with NBC amplified the coverage. Here are some screenshots of the Google News results for the story just a short while later, but is Redfield’s assertion correct? The Federalist spoke to numerous epidemiologists to find out.


“Everything he says is false,” NBC News quoted Redfield as saying of Atlas’s coronavirus recommendations. That’s just not true, top epidemiologists told The Federalist.


“Dr. Redfield is a prominent and respected scientist, so I respect his opinion, but I don’t know what he’s thinking,” said Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya, an epidemiologist and medical professor at Stanford University, in response to the NBC story. Bhattacharya has advised public officials including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on COVID-19 response. “I think the evidence is more strongly with Dr. Atlas,” he continued.


In an interview, Atlas said the constant media characterization of President Trump’s coronavirus response as detached from scientific expertise is “completely false.” He said the president’s policies are informed by infectious disease experts from the world’s top medical and research institutions, including Bhattacharya and John Ioannidis of Stanford University Medical Center, Martin Kulldorff and Katherine Yih of Harvard Medical School, and Sunetra Gupta and Carl Heneghan of Oxford University.


“The extreme comments that have been reported are an attempt to delegitimize me and undermine the president of the United States,” Atlas said, not a dispassionate, science-based position. “There can be different opinions about scientific evidence, but to say I’m citing false information is a lie,” he said later.


Scientific and public understanding of the disease has “changed dramatically” in the past nine months, Bhattacharya noted in an interview. Now we know COVID-19’s dangers are far lower than previously believed, such that if 1,000 people are infected with the virus, between 997 and 998 will survive, he said.


Atlas is known for pushing back on coronavirus panic with scientific evidence, including in his view that quarantines should target the vulnerable and infected rather than the healthy, the historic norm. He has been personally and professionally targeted as a result. Just two weeks ago, YouTube banned a video of Atlas talking about coronavirus, claiming it violated their terms of service.

Anonymous ID: b3b59a Sept. 29, 2020, 2:01 p.m. No.10840524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0565 >>0818 >>1045 >>1146

Mnuchin, Pelosi Meet as Democrats Release Details of $2.2 Trillion Stim Bill


Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met for 50 minutes on Tuesday to discuss the prospects of another coronavirus relief bill. House Democrats released details of their $2.2 trillion dollar proposal for pandemic relief that’s loaded with benefits that should please both sides.


The House bill would:


Reinstate the $600 per week enhanced unemployment benefit through January

Send a second $1,200 direct payment to most Americans

Give $436 billion in relief over one year to state and local governments

Authorize more money for a second round of Paycheck Protection Program loans for the hardest-hit businesses and industries

Send $25 billion to airlines to cover payroll costs

Inject $75 billion into Covid-19 testing and contact tracing efforts

Put $225 billion into education and $57 billion into child care

Set aside billions for rental and mortgage assistance


The key sticking points for Republicans are the enhanced unemployment benefits and aid to state and local governments. Democrats would object to bailing out the airline industry and claim that the proposal doesn’t go far enough in helping to keep homeowners and renters in their residences.


Republicans, especially, think the stimulus bill, which would add to the federal deficit, should be far more modest. Democrats want more, more, more for everyone. The question becomes are there enough areas of general agreement that a deal could be struck before the congressional recess?


The push to rejuvenate stimulus talks follows growing doubts about Congress’ ability to approve another aid package before the Nov. 3 election, when both parties will try to at least keep control of a chamber of Congress. Political considerations played a huge role in the discussions, even before the Senate started wrestling over whether to confirm President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett before the election.


Many Republicans have expressed concerns about adding to the trillions the U.S. has already spent to fight the pandemic and ensuing economic damage. The GOP-held Senate tried to pass a roughly $500 billion aid plan earlier this month, but Democrats blocked it, calling the bill inadequate.


The level of distrust between the two sides probably dooms any effort at compromise.


The Hill:


“Our conversation was a positive one,” Pelosi said in an interview with MSNBC. “We’ll get back together tomorrow to see how we can find common ground.”


Yet moments before, Larry Kudlow, White House senior economic advisor, had rejected the Democrats’ most recent offer of $2.2 trillion, warning that it could actually creep higher than advertised.


“We don’t think the numbers are right — 2.2 trillion — which is a very big number,” Kudlow told CNBC. “There’s some leftover spending that’s not included there and some tax cuts that are repealed. It might come to 2.6 trillion.”


Kudlow is talking about the nearly $100 billion that states haven’t spent yet that was in the CARES Act passed last April. That $2 trillion package has yet to work its way entirely through the economy and economists like Kudlow want to see the effect before committing to another multi-trillion-dollar relief bill.


But the president has the final say and he may modify some of his demands to accommodate Democrats’ wishes. Would enough Senate Republicans follow his lead to pass a bipartisan bill?


Given the stakes for the president and vulnerable GOP senators, I wouldn’t rule it out.

Anonymous ID: b3b59a Sept. 29, 2020, 2:04 p.m. No.10840575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0667 >>0818 >>1045 >>1146



“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair


Upton Sinclair was describing willful ignorance based upon who butters your bread. The rampant corruption of our society, as power has been consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, has resulted in our political, financial, cultural and economic systems being captured by a billionaire class who use their wealth to dictate the path we are forced to follow – or lose everything.


The sociopath class include the Silicon Valley social media titans, the billionaires running the six mainstream media companies, the rogue billionaires like Soros and Bloomberg who fund chaos and foment insurrection, the Deep State surveillance agency operatives like Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Mueller doing the bidding of the oligarchy, Wall Street criminals like Dimon, Paulson, and Blankfein doing god’s work, and last but certainly not least – Powell, Yellen, Bernanke and slimy Kashkari priming the pump for the never ending systematic pillaging of the nation’s wealth.


When you witness what passes for legislators at the Federal, State and Local levels, you must weep for our future. These pathetic excuses for leaders display none of the qualities a citizenry would want in those they have elected to manage our governmental affairs. They are bought off hacks, lacking any intellectual honesty, and selling their votes to the highest bidder. They lie, misinform, steal, and do the bidding of the monied interests who selected them because they are pliable dupes without an ounce of courage or forethought about the long-term best interests of the people they are supposed to be representing.


We are far from the republic Franklin and his fellow patriots gave us, and as Franklin foreshadowed, we were unable to keep it. As the fledgling republic devolved into a mob democracy, with the Federal government grabbing more power during the Civil War, the banking cabal seizing control of the nation’s finances in 1913 with the creation from Jekyll Island, the growth of the welfare state with FDR and LBJ doing the most damage, the metastasis of the military industrial complex, the elimination of privacy after the Patriot Act surveillance state execution, and now the final countdown to Armageddon as the state, media conglomerates, Wall Street criminals, mega-corporations, and billionaire oligarchs use this purposefully over-hyped flu pandemic to consolidate their power, wealth and control over a dumbed down, iGadget addicted, fearful, easily manipulated, compliant populace.



Anonymous ID: b3b59a Sept. 29, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.10840676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0744

Hezbollah’s Nasrallah Invites Media to Visit Sites Israeli PM Netanyahu Claims Are Missile Depots


After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed before the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Tuesday to be revealing the location of a Hezbollah missile factory in Beirut, Lebanon, the militant group invited the media to tour the facility, which turned out to be a gas canister factory.


During a recorded address to the UNGA in New York on Tuesday, Netanyahu accused Hezbollah of hiding a “missile depot” next to a series of gas facilities in the Lebanese capital, risking another explosion like that which devastated the city last month.


“I say to the people of Janah, you’ve got to act now. You’ve got to protest this. Because if this thing explodes, it’s another tragedy,” Netanyahu said. “I say to the people of Lebanon, Israel means you no harm. But Iran does.”


An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson told Reuters following Netanyahu’s presentation that the IDF had reported the site “numerous times, both to the UN and additional diplomatic networks, as well as via various media channels.”


“The exposure of these sites today was made with the aim of calling the Lebanese government again, with the support of the international community, to intervene in the matter; and to allow Lebanese civilians to protect themselves,” the spokesperson said.


Jerusalem has often accused Hezbollah of plotting against Israel and Iran of using Hezbollah facilities as a forward staging area to also do so. However, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah called Netanyahu’s bluff on Tuesday.


“This is incitement of the Lebanese people against Hezbollah,” Nasrallah said, according to the Times of Israel.


“If there [were] missiles there placed by Hezbollah - even a single weapon - I would not waste a minute before informing you of this matter,” Nasrallah continued. “We don’t put rockets, not in the Beirut port, not by a gas station. We know very well where to put our weapons.”


In response, the official IDF Twitter account tweeted out the coordinates of the site, plus “two bonus sites to check afterward,” adding, “Let's hope the journalists get there before Nasrallah's moving trucks do.”


​However, reporters quickly flocked to the site, which is located in the Jnah district of southwestern Beirut. A quick look inside revealed the building to be nothing more than a factory for gas canisters. Muhammad Rammal, who owns the factory, told “The National” reporter Sunniva Rose that he was “surprised” by Netanyahu’s claim, as the factory has been open for five years, but added that he is proud of Hezbollah.


On August 4, a huge explosion equivalent to the power of 1,100 tons of TNT devastated the Port of Beirut and much of the city, killing at least 200 people, injuring thousands more and leaving at least 300,000 people homeless.


The source of the blast was found to be severely decaying ammonium nitrate, a fertilizer improperly stored at the port for several years. However, early reports claimed the explosion was a Hezbollah weapons cache, a claim soon dismissed by Lebanese President Michel Aoun, who called it “impossible.”

Anonymous ID: b3b59a Sept. 29, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.10840738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0818 >>1045 >>1146

AZ Governor Ducey Demands Crooked Secretary of State SHUT DOWN Illegal Voter Registration Hotline w/out Application or Signature!


Arizona Republican Governor Doug Ducey wrote a letter to Secretary of State Hobbs Katie Hobbs DEMANDING the crooked Democrat officials shut down their hotline to process voter registrations without applications or signatures!


Governor Ducey demanded the Secretary of State to stop this illegal processing.


Democrats in 2020 are trying everything they can to rig the election system. These people are without ethics or morals!


Governor Ducey demanded the hotline shut down to preserve the confidence and faith in the integrity of our election system.


Here’s the letter from last week:

Anonymous ID: b3b59a Sept. 29, 2020, 2:20 p.m. No.10840811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0972

Flynn lawyer tells judge she asked Trump not to pardon his national security adviser


After release of bombshell documents, defense lawyer Sidney Powell makes last pitch to dismissing lying charge against her client.


A lawyer for Michael Flynn on Tuesday told a federal judge in her effort to have her client's case vacated that she's spoken in person about the case to President Trump and asked him not to pardon Flynn.


Powell said she spoke with Trump and White House lawyer Jenna Ellis recently about the Justice Department’s request to dismiss the case.


“I provided the White House with an update on the overall status of the litigation,” Powell said in a federal court in Washington, D.C. “I never discussed this case with the president until recently when I asked him not to issue a pardon."


U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan concluded the five-hour hearing without making a ruling on the department’s motion to dismiss.


Powell did not say why she asked Trump not to issue a pardon and said she made no other requests from the president.


The president has long said that the federal government overstepped it authority to prove that Flynn, as a member the 2016 presidential campaign and transition team, colluded with Russia.


Flynn pleaded guilty 2017 to lying to FBI agents about talking to Russian diplomat during that period but changed his plea after Powell became his attorney.


Powell entered the court Tuesday armed with bombshell documents suggesting FBI misconduct, lawyers for Michael Flynn on Tuesday will try to persuade a skeptical judge to vacate the former national security adviser's guilty plea for lying and dismiss the charge.


Powell was joined by Justice Department prosecutors in the effort to dismiss the case, brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team.


Sullivan has solicited his own adversarial advice, ordering a report from a former federal judge in New York that recommended against dismissal on the grounds that DOJ's decision to support dropping the charges was forced by Trump's badgering.


"In the United States, Presidents do not orchestrate pressure campaigns to get the Justice Department to drop charges against defendants who have pleaded guilty — twice, before two different judges — and whose guilt is obvious," the retired U.S. District Judge John Gleeson wrote recently. "The government's attempt to dress up a politically motivated dismissal that smacks of impropriety as a 'policy judgment,' should be rejected."

Anonymous ID: b3b59a Sept. 29, 2020, 2:21 p.m. No.10840827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0895 >>0932 >>1045 >>1146

Elon Musk says he won’t take Covid vaccine and calls Bill Gates a ‘knucklehead’


SpaceX and Tesla’s odd-ball boss Elon Musk said that he nor his family will take the Coronavirus vaccine on the New York Times’ “Sway” opinion podcast, the New York Post reports.


“I’m not at risk, neither are my kids,” the eccentric entrepreneur, who is not a stranger to making controversial statements, said to host Kara Swisher on Monday’s edition of the podcast.


Musk also bashed the United Kingdom’s nationwide lockdown measures as a “no-win situation” amid soaring virus cases in the U.K., adding that it has “diminished my faith in humanity.”


He then suggested that, as a more targeted alternative, “anyone who is at risk” should be “quarantined until the storm passes.” This earned him a swift rebuke from Swisher, with her citing the number of lives that could potentially be lost if such a limited lockdown were implemented.


“Everybody dies,” Elon Musk


“Everybody dies,” he remarked.


The 49-year-old billionaire has made similar comments regarding the pandemic in the past. He has previously called the lockdowns of various countries, especially the U.S.’s, “unethical” and “de facto house arrest,” RT reports.


While on the podcast, Musk took the time to point out that his commercial space company SpaceX “didn’t skip a day” throughout the pandemic’s duration in order to highlight how, in his mind, the quarantines were illogical. He further justified continuing to run SpaceX, saying, “We had national security clearance because we were doing national security work,” and that, “We sent astronauts to the Space Station and back.”


During the latter part of the podcast, Musk stirred even more controversy by calling Bill Gates a “knucklehead.” This follows the Microsoft founder’s previous criticism of Musk’s skepticism toward the virus.


“Gates said something about me not knowing what I was doing,” the Boring Company chief told Swisher. Then, in reference to Tesla manufacturing equipment for the German biopharmaceutical firm CureVac, he added, “It’s like, ‘Hey, knucklehead, we actually make the vaccine machines for CureVac, that company you’re invested in.’”


This is in response to a specific CNBC interview in July that Gates participated in. In the aforementioned interview, Gates said he hoped that Musk “doesn’t confuse areas he’s not involved with” following his claim that the Tesla CEO had very little knowledge about vaccines.


As the global death toll from the Coronavirus surpasses 1 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, it is still uncertain when there will be a working vaccine. Most experts estimate that a vaccine will likely become widely available by mid-2021, the BBC recently reported. Scientists are aiming to develop a vaccine within the span of a few months, while vaccines tend to take years—even decades—to develop, according to the same article.

Anonymous ID: b3b59a Sept. 29, 2020, 2:29 p.m. No.10840948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1045 >>1146

Kuwaiti Cabinet announces the appointment of Crown Prince Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah as Emir of the State of Kuwait


Kuwaiti Cabinet on Tuesday announced the appointment of Crown Prince Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah as Emir of the State of Kuwait succeeding Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah who passed away today, according to the Kuwaiti News Agency.


“Mourning was declared for 40 days after the demise of Amir of the country,” the agency also reported.


Earlier, the Royal Court announced in a statement the death of Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah.


Al-Sabah is the fifteenth Emir of Kuwait who took office in 2006.

Anonymous ID: b3b59a Sept. 29, 2020, 2:31 p.m. No.10840982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1045 >>1146

Nearly 100,000 Brooklyn Voters Got Wrong Ballot Return Envelopes



The New York City Board of Elections on Tuesday admitted that nearly 100,000 Brooklyn voters received absentee ballot return envelopes with the wrong address and names labeled on them.


CNN reports:


Valerie Vazquez-Diaz, a spokesperson for the board, told CNN the issue affected 99,477 voters. She blamed a third-party vendor, Phoenix Graphics, which had been contracted to print and mail the ballots to voters in Brooklyn and Queens. CNN has reached out to the company for comment.


Michael Ryan, the election board’s executive director, said at a meeting on Tuesday afternoon that the city has ordered the vendor to remail new ballots “to make certain that absolutely no disenfranchisement occurs in the borough of Brooklyn.”


The development follows a New York Post report revealing that Queens voters received mail-in ballots marked for military use despite having not served in the armed forces.


“There’s just mass confusion about these ballots and what people are supposed to do with them,” Democrat Van Bramer said in an interview with the Post. “People were already not trusting this process and they were already not trusting the Board of Elections to count the ballot right.”


“This apparent typo just has everyone confused and believing these are invalid ballots,” he added. “It’s absolutely outrageous that when everyone is watching them, they still screw up the most basic thing, which is printing the ballot correctly.”


Last week, Virginia Republican officials said 1,400 voters in the state had two absentee ballots mailed to them.


“We knew the Democrats’ many last-minute changes to our election law would make our elections less secure, but no one could imagine voters receiving two ballots,” Virginia Republican Party chairman Rich Anderson said in a statement.