Anonymous ID: d1f363 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:18 p.m. No.10840792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10838216 PB


>>10838487 PB

Want to nominate this vid for notable.


Storm is coming.

Thanks to Anon for making this vid, whoever you are. Nice Job.


Thanking patriots in the US for arming up, and exercising restraint.


Without our guns, they would not bother to be fighting this war under the surface with crooked Judges, criminal NGO/Non profits, paid riots, and foreign bribery money.


If these retired Generals discussing a coup over there in the British journals want to have it out, bitching and whining about the difficulties in their article, because the American population is armed to the teeth.

Too bad Generals.

The America that loves the Constitution is not just armed.

It is waking up rapidly, and a lot pissed off about what is happening to the world's children.

Do not start something.

Because the largest live animal hunting (target practiced) army in the world, will join the 80% of our troops (our sons and daughters) who love our President for taking on the global warmongering criminals, …WE the PEOPLE, are free to find you, will find you, and we will finish it.

Nine/ten cities with paid riots.

What a JOKE.

How many Patriotic Truckers would it take to starve them out.


Every grandmother from here to Russia, will be feeding that army on the hunt, for the sake of those children.

A Coup is hopeless.

Forget about it.

The days of using and abusing our troops to create war, and line the pockets of warmongering criminals… the days of lying to the American public to create wars…

Those. Days. Are. Over.


The real reason for 2A.

Never forget.

Anonymous ID: d1f363 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:44 p.m. No.10841098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1135


The bible is not a metaphore.

It is a history text, and that is why the archaeologists have been able to use it to learn the location of nearly every ancient city named in it. It is the singular backbone of history, unbroken, upon which all other ancient documents can be appended to create a historical time line.

Huge numbers of biblical names have been found on stones, and on official rings used to create "seals" on property transfer documents, in those cities.


The old testament was canonized by one of Alexanders generals, some 200 BC for submission to the Great Library of Alexandria, BECAUSE it was valuable world history.


(((THEY))) always burn this ancient book, because…. same reason they tear down statues.


Getting rid of your history.


BTW, the lost tribes are NOT lost. We are here. We have been tracing the movement of the tribes for years now, by tribal names, so many of which are the names of the many towns of the UK, Northern nations of Europe, and ….

Tribe of Joseph>

to his son son Manasseh

to his son his son Machir

to the town of British "Mercia"

and to the Scottish Declaration of Independence in their museum, which claims to be written by the tribes of Israel that are not "judah" - origin of the word "Jew".


From Machir to Ameragyns of Scythia

Amerigo Vespucci (named for tribe)




=Har Machir

(Mountain of Machir) as prophesied by Jacob (israel) in the bible to be the greatest strongest nation of the end times.)


There are 300 prophicies laid out before Christ, so that we would know for sure when he appeared on the time line.


Starting with the budding of the fig tree (reappearance of Israel) on the planet, there are over 2000 prophecies that bible readers are watching happen right now.


Don't just "believe".

We cant afford to just believe, any longer.

God (origin of conciousness) has given us what we need to KNOW, to a mathematical certainty, that he is with us, when the dead sea scrolls were unearthed, and found identical to the copies submitted to the great library. This happened the year Israel reappeared, as prophesied.


(((They))) know that (you) will know, if you dare look. They feed you nonsense to keep you from knowing your history.