Anonymous ID: f417a7 Sept. 29, 2020, 2:23 p.m. No.10840858   🗄️.is 🔗kun



After the John Kerry campaign trotted out the lawyers (big surprise there) in an attempt to shut-up the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, they’ve fired back at Kerry with a devastating attack on his record in Vietnam. Here are a few of the key charges the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have made against John Kerry…


On Kerry’s first Purple Heart


…Unmentioned in Kerry’s Tour Of Duty version are the actual surrounding facts. Kerry, Lieutenant William Schachte, USN, and an enlisted man were on the whaler. Seeing movement from an unknown source, the sailors opened fire on the movement. There was no hostile fire. When Kerry’s rifle jammed, he picked up an M-79 grenade launcher and fired a grenade at a nearby object. This sprayed the boat with shrapnel from Kerry’s own grenade, a tiny piece of which embedded in Kerry’s arm.


Kerry managed to keep the tiny fragment embedded until he saw Dr. Louis Letson. Dr. Letson’s affidavit is attached as Exhibit 5. When Letson inquired why Kerry was there, Kerry said that he had been wounded by hostile fire. The accompanying crewmen indicated that Kerry was the new “JFK” and that he had actually wounded himself with an M-79. Letson removed the tiny fragment with tweezers and placed a band aid over the tiny scratch. The tiny fragment removed by Letson appeared to be an M-79 fragment, as described by the personnel accompanying Kerry.