Anonymous ID: 3497ef Sidney asks Trump NOT to pardon Flynn!! Sept. 29, 2020, 2:55 p.m. No.10841233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1241 >>1443 >>1525 >>1564 >>1592 >>1844

Mike Flynn's lawyer tells judge she personally briefed Trump on ex-national security advisor's case and begged the President NOT to pardon him

Under persistent questioning from U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan, Flynn's attorney acknowledged having spoken to the president within the last few weeks

Sidney Powell said she briefed Trump and asked him not to pardon convicted liar Flynn who is trying to get out of plea deal with Robert Mueller

Flynn has twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about a conversation with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition period in December 2016

Justice Department moved in May to dismiss the case, saying there was insufficient basis to interview Flynn

Sullivan has so far resisted efforts to dismiss the prosecution and appointed a former federal judge to argue against the Justice Department's position

That ex-judge, John Gleeson, has accused the department of acting for political reasons when it moved to drop the case

Hearing Tuesday was as Sullivan decides whether to go ahead with case or accept that it is dismissed; he reserved judgment

Sullivan was appointed federal judge by Bill Clinton. He was appointed a District of Columbia judge by Ronald Reagan and promoted by George H.W. Bush


WHY would she do this? What is she trying to accomplish?