Anonymous ID: 803f22 Sept. 29, 2020, 4:05 p.m. No.10842252   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“Over the past two decades the Clintons have created nothing short of a global network consisting of influential foreign politicians, oligarchs and royalty, exercising what Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel called "the cult of unregulated globalism." The fall of the House of Clinton may bring an end to this globalist structure, he told Sputnik.

"The Clintons — and the Bushes and Obamas — have embraced the cult of unregulated 'globalism' wherein a small band of cronies drawn from the billionaire class, multinational companies, international nonprofits, academia, and media swarm around the world trying to dominate the political agenda, as they move financial markets, and put deals together," Charles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist, told Sputnik.

According to the analyst, this approach gained momentum starting around 1988 and allowed globalist elites to build even greater fortunes out of being able to control any national government.

Over the past two decades the Clintons have managed to create a sort of a global network involving prominent foreign politicians, tycoons and powerful clans. Many of them have long been generous donors to the Clinton Foundation, dubbed by Ortel, who has been conducting a private inquiry into the entity for the last few years, the "largest unprosecuted charity fraud ever attempted."


“Ever since 1998, the Clintons have violated legions of laws that might protect New Yorkers from charity and tax frauds.  For example, a public charity must further specific, tax-exempt purposes. If it wishes to alter its geographic focus, it ordinarily must secure IRS approval, in advance, before making such a change. And, states including New York legally require charities to make prompt, publicly available notification of such changes.

The Clinton "charities" never have complied with crucial charity laws and did not even bother to file independent certified audits of their financial results for 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, or 2003 in New York, as is specifically required. Thereafter, purported audits for 2004 forward are each materially false and incomplete. Without effective audits, no outsider can know what actually happened to donations sent towards a charity.”


“…And what do the many preening "investigative journalists" at The New York Times do?

They stubbornly ignore the largest, as yet unprosecuted fraud and corruption scandal in American history.”