Anonymous ID: cf6b5e Sept. 29, 2020, 5:47 p.m. No.10843980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4031 >>4082 >>4150 >>4152 >>4175


Pray for our POTUS to be strong, calm, like a storm on the horizon.

Dear Lord, give our POTUS strength & wisdom to fight this battle of evil. Make his voice strong & true & with grace but also with conviction of leading this war against all who want to destroy our great country and the world. Cover him with full armor of protection so that he may be triumphant in battle. Make POTUS aware that he is not alone, that anons & the good people of the world are with him, supporting him, praying for him, never to live his side. Dear God, you have given us a great leader.. because you chose him, he will lead us out of darkness. Thank you Lord for your goodness & mercy. Thank you for sending our POTUS to lead us.

In Jesus's name we pray,
